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In Memoriam


George B. Caskey

George B. Caskey, Superintendent-Emeritus of Parks and Recreation, Winnetka, Illinois died on November 7, 1969 of a heart attack. His illness was quite sudden.

Mr. Gaskey served as Park Superintendent from 1937 to January, 1968. He had a distinguished service record with the Illinois Association of Park Districts, Midwest Institute of Park Executives, American Institute of Park Executives, and the National Recreation and Park Association. His most recent contribution to the professional literature is a co-authored "Community Tennis Programs Management Aid Bulletin" to be published by National Recreation and Park Association.

A Memorial Fund has been established in his honor by the Winnetka Park District.

Leo French

Leo F. French, 64, Fairfield Park District Superintendent for the past twenty-three years, passed away on January 12th. A member of the original park board when the Fairfield park district was formed some twenty-three years ago, Mr. French stepped down from the board two or three years later and took over the task of guiding the park district affairs as the superintendent. The Fairfield parks were closed until after his funeral in tribute to his accomplishments for the park district over the years.

Mr. French is survived by a son, Fred of Fairfield, three grandchildren; one brother B. F. French of Fairfield; and one sister, Mrs. Eva VanAult of Keensburg, Illinois.

Illinois Parks 59 March/ April 1970

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