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ROBERT WARDINGLEY WAS PRESENTED WITH A PLAQUE WHICH READ, "In appreciation for your outstanding dedication in the South Suburban Park Association . . . Founder and President 1965-1969." Pictured above from left to right is Raymond Schwartz, Vice President, South Suburban Park Association, Robert Wardingley, and Robert Walsh, President of South Suburban Park Association for 1970 and President of Oak Forest Park District.



The efforts of six local sponsors of the Bensenville Watershed project were rewarded on March 18, 1970 at which time Governor Richard Ogilvie approved a public law 566 application for preliminary investigation, which was immediately forwarded to Washington.

The original request for assistance came to the Kane-DuPage Soil and Water Conservation District from the City of Chicago who was concerned with effects of the expansion of O'Hare Field on the Bensenville Watershed.

Interested governmental agencies formed a steering committee which met for the first time on May 29, 1969. Official representatives were appointed by:

The Chicago Park District
The Bensenville Park District
The Village of Bensenville
The City of Chicago
The Kane-DuPage Soil and Water Conservation District
The Northeast Illinois Natural Resource Service Center served as secretariat.

Additional public meetings were held in August and September of 1969. By unanimous vote the steering committee agreed to submit the application for a preliminary investigation.The Watershed application is unique for Illinois because all sponsoring agencies reprresented public bodies.

Due to the fact that major highway and airport projects are already under construction in the Watershed, the Steering Committee unanimously agreed to contact the appropriate state and federal agencies to explain the urgency of completing the preliminary investigation as soon as possible.


STEERING COMMITTEE MEMBERS PICTURED ARE SEATED LEFT TO RIGHT: KEITH CHIDLEY, North Cook County Soil and Water Conservation District. DAVID WEST-FALL, Dept. of Public Works. DR. A. DAVID GREENBERG Chicago Park District CLARENCE MACK, Chairman, Kane-DuPage Soil and Water Conservation District. WILLIAM K. HEGEBARTH, Village of Bensenville. STANDING LEFT TO RIGHT:
THOMAS HAMILTON, Salt Creek Water Shed Steering Committee and North Cook County Soil and Water Conservation District. BILL BURDE, Bensenville Park District. RICHARD ARNDT, Village of Bensenville. EDWARD A. ROSNIAK, Chicago Park District. KENNETH FISKE, Secretary, N.E. Illinois Natural Resource Service Center.



Theodore (Ted) M. Kavadas is the new Superintendent of the Division of Parks and Memorials with the Department of Conservation of the State of Illinois. Mr. Kavadas is a graduate of South Bend Central High School and an honor graduate of Indian University in Park and Recreation Administration.

After two years of full and part time experience in Parks and Recreation with the U.S. Army Special Service Corps. and the Bloomington ,Indiana Park Department, Mr. Kavadas was employed by the Glenview Park District as a recreation supervisor in 1960. In 1963 he was named the Director of Recreation, a position he held until December 1969.

Mr. Kavadas has been a speaker, panelist and chairman of educational sessions at 36 different Park and Recreation conferences on the State and National level. His writings include articles in the National Park and Recreation Associations' magazines, State Professional Publications

106 Illinois Parks July-August 1970

and two articles for the University of Illinois, School of Park and Recreation.

A recipient of several national and state awards for outstanding work in the field of Parks and Recreation including Optimist International's Governors Cup Award for distinguished Service to Youth, Mr. Kavadas is certified as a field work supervisor of students in Recreation by five different Universities in Illinois and Indiana.

Membership in professional and civic organizations include the National Park and Recreation Association, Illinois Park and Recreation Society, Illinois Association of Park Districts, United States Lawn Tennis Association, Glenview Optimist Club and the Glenview United Fund.


WILLIAM F. O'SHEA One of Morton Grove, Illinois' outstanding civic leaders passed away on March 21, 1970 at his home. Mr. O'Shea served as a member of the Morton Grove Park Board for eleven years and was president of the Board at the time of his death. Mr. O'Shea, who was sixty-six years of age was one of the owners of the Lincoln Schwepps Bottling Company in Chicago.

The following resolution was passed by the Morton Grove Park District:


WHEREAS, WILLIAM F. O'SHEA, has served as Commissioner of the Morton Grove Park District since the 1st day of May, 1959, marking his high position with outstanding concern and consideration for the well being of the people of Morton Grove; and

WHEREAS, he has diligently and faithfully served on numerous committees affecting Illinois Park Districts, and

WHEREAS, he has diligently and faithfully served in various official capacities in the Illinois Association of Park Districts and the Morton Grove Park District, having served two terms as President of his Board, and

WHEREAS, his entire record was one of sustained superior performance; and

WHEREAS, WILLIAM F. O'SHEA, departed this world on March 21, 1970.

NOW, THEREFORE, be it resolved by the President and Board of Commissioners of the MORTON GROVE PARK DISTRICT, Cook County, Illinois:

SECTION 1: That the most sincere appreciation ofthe citizens of MORTON GROVE, through this Board, be extended to the family of the said WILLIAM F. O'SHEA in grateful recognition of his services to the people of Morton Grove and his special contribution to the fiscal affairs and well being of the residents of the VILLAGE OF MORTON GROVE.

SECTION 2: That this Resolution be spread of record in the Minutes of the Board of Commissioners of the MORTON GROVE PARK DISTRICT, Cook County, Illinois.

SECTION 3: That a suitable framed copy of this Resolution be presented to the family of WILLIAM F. O'SHEA.

PASSED this 13th day of April 1970.

President of the Morton Grove Park District, Cook County, Illinois.

Attested and filed in my office on the 13th day of April, 1970


July-August 1970 Illinois Parks 107

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