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and progress

Boy Scouts doing their part to help keep America beautiful.

June 5 has been designated as "Keep America Beautiful Day" by the Boy Scout SOAR (Save Our American Resources) program. The Boy Scouts will be cleaning-up litter in state park recreational areas in preparation for State Park Week June 6-12. The plan includes repeat visits July 5 and August 5 to check the areas already cleaned and repeat the clean-up work if necessary.

The Boy Scouts are also tackling many other conservation projects during the year in addition to their litter clean-up projects. These include planting shrubs and trees, construction of hiking trails, erosion control, lake shoreline improvements and beautification projects.


The Illinois Park and Recreation Society welcomes its 87 new members which have been processed since the 1971 directory was published March 1st. This brings the total membership to 942.
A supplement will be issued in the near future which members can insert into their directory.
The Illinois Park & Recreation Society (the professional organization for those in the field of parks, recreation and conservation) offers many services which both old and new members should take advantage of.
Members are invited to visit the IPRS headquarters in Springfield when in the area.

The Board of Directors Illinois Park and Recreation Society


The Correctional Counselor at the Stateville Prison in Joliet is looking for bookings (at the Prison) for ball games.

They have a baseball team; a 12" fast-pitch softball team; and a 16" softball team.

Their schedule is as follows:
12" fast-pitch softball—Friday evenings
6:00 p.m.
Baseball games—Saturday afternoons
12:00 noon
16" softball—during the week

Teams who schedule games at the Prison will be guests for a meal at the Officer's dining room. Sorry, the men can't have home and home bookings.

Those interested may contact:
The Correctional Counselor
Stateville Prison
Box 112
Joliet, Illinois 60434


The Franklin Park Park District is moving ahead with a part of their capital improvement program after a brief delay.

The park in question was Sarah-Chestnut Park, although small according to most standards, it is very important to Franklin Park since land is scarce and at a premium in this suburban community.

The trouble began when a small group varying from 20 to 80 appeared at a board meeting in opposition to the purchase and development of the park site.

The park board being concerned about all its citizens decided the best way to arrive at a fair and just solution to the problem was not to argue about the problem but to engage outside help. This was done by bringing in Alan Caskey of McFadzean and Everly to assist in the development of a special park survey.

When the survey was completed, it revealed that nearly 80% of the 40.6% who answered the survey were overwhelmingly in support of the action the Park District was taking to purchase and develop the Sarah-Chestnut park site.

When the air had cleared, the resultant action was as follows: The special park survey helped quiet local opposition, made the land owner agree to a settlement, and provided the Park District's professional staff with information about the design and programming for the park.

Illinois Parks and Recreation    26    May/June, 1971

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