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A Legislative Report

Robert A. Stuart

The present session of the General Assembly is now getting into full swing and the Legislative Synopsis and Digest setting forth action on all bills and resolutions received through March 26, 1971, now indicates that 594 bills have been introduced in the Senate and 1355 bills have been introduced in the House of Representatives. Generally, the legislative program approved by the Legislative Committee deals with the following measures:

(1) Proposed increase in authorized General Corporate rate from .10% to .12% (Section 5-1).

(2) Proposed increase in recreation tax levy limit without referendum from .075% to .09% (Sections 5-2(a), 5-2(b)).

(3) Authorization for the levy of .05% for purchase of open space (subject to back door referendum) (new section).

(4) Amendment to permit condemnation of lands within a one and one-half (1 1/2) mile limit of park district boundaries (new section).

(5) Amendment of Section 3-1 relative to language contained in annexation provisions.

(6) Amendment of Sections 5-2(a) and 5-2(b) to eliminate inapplicable terminology.

(7) Amendment to renumber second Section 3-10 to Section 3-11. (8) Amendment of all sections referring to interest rate limitations to permit continued interest rate of 7%.

(9) Amendment of Section 9-2 (a) to authorize the board of a park district which proposes to construct, maintain and operate an airport to levy .075% for such purpose without referendum.

Other legislation may be introduced in the event the same becomes expedient. The numbers of all such bills introduced will be promptly furnished to all members of the Association at such time as numbers have been assigned to them and they have been introduced.

The following are members of the House and Senate committees dealing with municipal governments and special taxing districts, including park districts:

SENATE — Committee on Local Government. Dougherty (D—Chicago), Chairman; Kosinski (D— Chicago), Vice-Chairman; Hynes (D—Chicago) ; Kusibab (D—Chicago) ; Lyons (D—Chicago) ; O'Brien (D — Chicago); Palmer (D—Chicago); Rock (D — Chicago) ; Smith (D—Chicago); Rosander (R—Rockford) (Minority Spokesman) ; Berning (R — Deerfield); Knuepfer (R—Elmhurst) ; Soper (—Cicero); Walker (R— Lansing) ; Weaver (R—Urbana).

HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES— Municipal Corporations. L. Cunningham (R—Belvidere), Chairman; Moore (R—Midlothian), Vice-Chairman; Bartulis (R— Benld); Bluthardt (R—Schiller Park); Brenne (R—Park Forest); W. J. Cunningham (R—Pinckneyville) ; Dyer (R—Hinsdale); Friedland (R—Elgin); Graham (R— Chicago); Hall (R—Bloomington) ; R. K. Hoffman (R—Westchester); Kipley (R—Riverdale); Klosak (R—Cicero); McMaster (R—Oneida) ; North (R—Rockford) ; Schlickman (R—Arlington Heights) ; Williams (R—Murphysboro) ; Calvo (D—Granite City); Capparelli (D—Chicago); Colitz (D—Chicago); Flinn (D—Cahokia); Houlihan (D—Park Forest) ; Krause (D—East St. Louis) ; Matijevich (D—North Chicago) ; McDermott (D—Chicago) ; McGah (D—Berkeley); Merlo (D—Chicago); I. R. Sims (D—Chicago); Terzich (D—Chicago); R. L. Thompson (D—Chicago); Von Boeckman (D— Pekin) ; R. J. Welsh (D—Oak Park); Yourell (D—Oak Lawn).

Cities and Village Division (Municipal Corporations). L. Cunningham, Chairman; Bluthardt, Vice-Chairman; Brenne, Dyer, Friedland, Hall, R. K. Hoffman, Kipley, Klosak, North, Philip, Schlickman, Tuerk, Calvo, Capparelli, Houlihan, Matijevich, McDermott, McGah, Merlo, I. R. Sims, Terzich, R. J. Welsh, Yourell.

Legislative memoranda will be circulated to all members of the Illinois Association of Park Districts covering each two week period until the end of the active session.

Robert A. Stuart is Legislative Counsel for the Illinois Association of Park Districts.

Illinois Parks and Recreation    7    May/June, 1971

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