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The first Suburban Park and Recreation Hockey Tournament was held January 23 and 24 in Franklin Park.

Teams represented in the two days of competition were from Riverside, Joliet, Franklin Park, Elk Grove, Des Plaines, Naperville, Westchester, St. Charles and Palatine.

Competition was divided into two divisions, Bantom (13 and 14 years) and Midgets (15 and 16 years.)

In the Midget competition Naperville came out winner over Joliet for first place. But in the Bantam competition, Joliet came in first with a championship game victory over Palatine.

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Pictured above are two of the teams who come out of the competition with trophies. Shown in the center of each picture is James M. Seals, President of the Franklin Park Park District making the awards.

Illinois Parks and Recreation 17 March/April, 1971

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