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Dorothy L Doering, longtime IPRS member and President or the Springfield Bicycle Club, presents Lt. Governor Paul Simon with on Honorary Membership. He received the award because of his enthusiasm and interest in bicycling.

Lt. Governor Paul Simon gets

Honorary Membership

The Springfield Bicycle Club recently presented Lt. Governor Paul Simon and his family with an Honorary Membership. He was selected for the award because of his long time interest and enthusiasm in bicycling and outdoor recreation. His entire family bicycles whenever time permits.

The Springfield Bicycle Club was formed early in June of this year and has grown to nearly 150 active members. The club was formed for the purpose of promoting family recreation through bicycling and to assist with bicycle safety and legislation.

Bicycle clubs are springing up in communities throughout the nation as bicycling rapidly moves to the top of participating leisure-time activities.

Bicycle manufacturers across the nation can not keep pace with the demand for bicycles and most factories will be working overtime throughout the winter months to catch up with the demand that will hit the cycle shops next spring.

A future issue of ILLINOIS PARKS AND RECREATION will carry a feature story on "Bicycling In Illinois." The article will pin point established bike trails in Illinois as well as what is going on nationally with the bicycle craze.

Illinois Parks and Recreation 7 November/December,1971

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