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Schoolhouse Program

In Oak Park


Art classes go well in the lighted Schoolhouse program.


Chess Class is popular

The "Lighted Schoolhouse" program in Oak Park has proven to be quite successful in recent years.

June, 1951, the Illinois General Assembly passed Senate Bill 432, known as the "Lighted Schoolhouse Bill." The bill gave Education Boards authority to spend money from a broadened Recreation Fund for recreational and social activities in public buildings and authorized a referendum for the purpose of increasing the Recreation Tax Levy.

In Oak Park the Lighted Schoolhouse Program serves these purposes:

1. To better serve all citizens of the community.

2. To give opportunity for expanded recreation programs during non-school hours.

3. To provide recreation programs in schools where recreation facilities are lacking.

4. To provide cooperative action between two public agencies.


Macrame classes draws interest from all age groups including senior citizens.


Gymnasiums are put to good use with a variety of physical activities such as the girls balance beam program.

Illinois Parks and Recreation 12 November/December, 1971

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