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New IPRS Executive Secretary

Ernest W. Nance, IPRS President, announced the appointment of Kay Kastel, Belleville, Illinois, as the new Executive Secretary of IPRS. Her appointment was approved on January 17 at a regular meeting of the Board.

Kay is no stranger to recreation and parks. As assistant director of recreation for the Glenview Park District, she worked closely with IPRS committees on many occasions. She is a graduate of Western Illinois University where she majored in park and recreation administration.

Miss Kastel recognizes the increasingly important role that parks and recreation will play in today's leisure oriented society.

In her position as Executive Secretary, she will act as editor of the Illinois Park and Recreation magazine. She will also continue to work with the IPRS Board and committees in fulfilling needs of IPRS members throughout the state.


"Enjoy Your Parks"


The Illinois Association of Park Districts and the Illinois Park and Recreation Foundation are sponsoring a contest in writing commercials for mass media.

The purpose is to promote an awareness, on the part of the general public, of the benefits and advantages of parks.

Commercials should deal with promotion, not only of current usage of parks, but also for further support and growth of the entire park system.

The contest is open to students 17 years of age and over. There are three categories: radio, TV, and newspaper.

The Chicago Advertisers Club will furnish the judges. First prize in each category will include a $100 savings bond and two tickets to the IPRF fund raising dinner; second place prize will include a $50 savings bond and two dinner tickets; third prize will include a $25 savings bond and two dinner tickets.

Deadline for receiving entries is April 27, 1973. Winners will be announced on May 11, and awards will be presented on May 24 at the Foundation Dinner at the Marriot Hotel.

More information and applications can be obtained by writing:

Illinois Association of Park Districts
Suite 206, St. George Bidg.
300 E. Monroe St.
Springfield, Ill. 62701

New Location

The Illinois Park and Recreation Society has moved their offices to the Chicago suburb of DesPlaines. They are housed with the NRPA Regional Office.

The new address is:
Illinois Park and Recreation Society
600 E. Algonquin Rd.
DesPlaines, Ill. 60016

The new telephone number is:
(312) 297-6261

This is also the editorial office. Please send all magazine articles to above address.

Ray Lindblod, Board of Directors of the Illinois Association of Park Districts and Commissioner of Joliet Park District, (left) presents the IAPD legislative Award to the Honorable Senator Harris W. Fawell (right) for his contribution to park and recreation services.

Illinois Parks and Recreation 3 March/April, 1973

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