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1857-28—Tippecanoe Fife and Drum Corps performing at 1972 Ft. de Chartres Rendezvous, near Prairie du Rocher, Illinois. (Photo: Illinois Department of Conservation)

1774-78—The view from the firing line during flintlock competition at the Ft. de Chartres Rendezvous. (Photo: Illinois Department of Conservation)

Janet Picket

Special Events

in your

State Parks

by Janet Pickett

Ever wished for a time machine so that you might relive the exciting, early days of the midwest? Well, dream no longer —enjoy Illinois this summer. One weekend each month, June, July, August, and September, special events will recreate an historical period in our State's history by transforming a particular State Park or Memorial into an authentic setting.

Special event programs are sponsored by the Illinois Department of Conservation, Division of Parks and Memorials, Section of Program Services. These events strive to instill in people an awareness and appreciation of their natural and cultural resources through recreative programming.

1842-33—Hot air balloon races will be a highlight of the Jubilee College fair to be held at Jubilee College State Park northwest of Peoria. (Photo: Illinois Department of Conservation)

A program of special events is the type of service the citizen can become directly involved in through planning and participation.

Opening this summer's programs will be the Ft. de Chartres Rendezvous. Reviving the early French-frontier period, this event will take place at Ft. de Chartres State Park near Prairie du Rocher, June 23 and 24.

The fort was the largest colonial fortification built in the Mississippi frontier. Singing by strolling minstrels, greased pole contests and militia demonstrations take place within the partially constructed fort walls. Traditional Rendezvous contests will consist of flintlock shooting, tomahawk throwing, a voyageur-frontiersman tug - of - war and birch-bark canoe races. Also being offered are demonstrations of significant crafts of this historical period, including black-smithing, French colonial cooking and cooperage.

At the New Salem Days—A Sketch in Time—you will be invited to tour the historic village of Abraham Lincoln's New Salem.

Editors Note: Janet L. Pickett is Coordinator of Special Events, Illinois Department of Conservation, Division of Parks and Memorials, Program Services Section.

Illinois Parks and Recreation 4 May/June, 1973

The village is presently a State Park and is located near Petersburg. Craft demonstrations, gardening and music of the period will add to the regular activities which take place in this 1830's village. Be certain to attend July 21 and 22—you just may see Honest Abe there.

The gently rolling slopes of Jubilee College State Park will host an English Country Fair August 4-5. Jubilee College was responsible in part for bringing the British culture into mid-Illinois. The Jubilee College Fair will be strolling troubadours, colorful tents, traditional English plays, and hot air ballooning.

The concluding event of 1973 is the Bishop Hill Jordbruk Dagen, being held at Bishop Hill in north central Illinois, October 6 and 7.

Bishop Hill was founded as a commune in the mid-nineteenth century by immigrants in search of religious freedom. The oldest structure, the colony church, built in 1848 is now a restored State Memorial. Several of the original, large, brick buildings still stand today and many are presently being repaired and renovated. The special event will be comprised of agrarian and cultural demonstrations which will offer a chance of participation to the visitor.

Whether it be for a weekend or a week, one event or all five, we of the Department of Conservation would like to take this opportunity to invite you to join us on our journey through the past.

1885-06—Dressed in nineteenth century costumes, this group demonstrates the corn planting techniques used in Bishop Hill during the early days. The Bishop Hill Jordbruk Dagen is a Special Event comprised of agrarian and cultural demonstrations.

Illinois Parks and Recreation 5 May/June, 1973

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