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by J. Handlon, Superintendent of Recreation

Recently the Naperville Park District and School District entered into a joint agreement to co-sponsor an Adult Community Leisure Education Program. This program is designed for anyone 16 years of age and older who desires to pursue some special interest during their leisure hours.

The purpose of the program was to create special activities and courses for persons in the commuinty. One of the local high schools was chosen as the center of operation, as it offered the best facilities to meet the needs of the program.

A survey was designed and circulated throughout the community to get feed back on what types of activities or courses would be most desirable.

Once the survey was tabulated and the priority courses were established, a schedule was developed and staff employed. Staff members were interviewed and selected from the school district personnel and resource lay persons from Naperville.

Class fees were established based upon the cost of the supplies; registration fee was determined upon the instructors wages and administrative costs involved in the program. Registration fees ran from $7 to $12 per person depending upon the activity. Class fees ran from $3 to $6. Senior citizens were not required to pay a registration fee. All classes were scheduled for a 10 week period meeting one night per week for 2 to 2 1/3 hours per night.

A special brochure was designed for mailing. It was sent to all residents within the park and school districts. Within 2 days from the time the brochure arrived at the home, registrations poured into the offices.

The fall session has over 400 persons participating in the 12 courses being offered. Those courses include: auto mechanics, beginning shorthand, sewing, bridge, candlemaking, needlepoint, womens fitness, ceramics, plantings and terrariums, skitching, holiday crafts and genealogy.

The park and school district personnel set up a winter session that will offer some of the same activities and new courses as well.

This program was one more step toward strengthening the working relationship between the park district and school district in Naperville. Proposals are presently being written for the provision of a type of lighted school-house program.

Both men and women enjoy the auto mechanics class.

Illinois Parks and Recreation 24 May/June, 1973

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