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EDITORS NOTE: This will be a news column which will enable readers to ask questions about various subjects in the field of parks and recreation. If you have questions please submit them to the Editor. We will attempt to have experts in the field present different answers.

The Joint Committee of IAPD and IPRS administer the annual conference and the state magazine. Pictured left to right: (seated) Betty Irons, Chrm., Ernest Nance, standing) Ted Kavadas, Al Weissburg, Mike Cassidy, and Mick Pope.

What method does your department use to obtain the best possible insurance at the lowest price? Do you use bid method? advertise? employ an insurance consultant?

If you have ideas on the question send comments to Action Line, 600 E. Algonquin Rd., DesPlaines, Ill. 60016. Positons Open

Positions Open

Superintendent of Recreation (Salary $8,000 - $11,000) Degree plus one year experience. Contact: Mr. Robin Hall, Urbana Park District, 901 Broadway, Urbana, Ill. 61801.

Park Maintenance Superintendent (Salary $10,500-$12,000). 3 years park maintenance experience. Contact: Helmut Dressier, Niles Park District, 7877 Milwaukee Ave., Niles, Illinois 60648. (312) 9676635. **Closing date for applications May 15. Position open July 1, 1973.


182 pair of roller skates $3.00 per pair. Fiber wheels to be used on wood, tile, or cement floors. Contact: Richard Miller, Barrington Park Dist., Lions Dr., Barrington, Ill. 60010. (312) DU 1-0687.

Illinois Parks and Recreation 29 May/June, 1973

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