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(Left to right) James E. Barker, President of Stites Township Park District, and Arlene Jefferson, Director of Parks and Recreation, receive a grant of $500 for a summer playground program in a low income area from Dr. Chuck Pezoldt of the Foundation.

Gunner Peterson, keynote speaker, gives some interesting facts on the direction of open space and how it affects the park and recreation profession.


Ted Kavadas, president Illinois Park and Recreation Foundation

Ted Kavadas presents a scholarship check to the Illinois Park and Recreation Society, (left to rightl Ted Kavadas, pros. IPRF; Clarence Mayberry NRPA Regional Director; Kay Kastel IPRS Executive Secretary; Ernie Nance, IPRS President; Gunner Peterson, Keynote Speaker; Mrs. Gunnar Peterson.

The Illinois Park and Recreation Foundation fund raising dinner held on May 24, 1973 was once again a big success.

This is the second year for this event, whose purpose is to raise funds for parks and recreation in Illinois. Over 200 attended the dinner.

Keynote speaker, Gunnar Peterson, Executive Director of the Open Lands project, addressed the audience to the critical shortage of open space in Illinois and the nation. To all interested in parks, recreation, and conservation he said, "The time is now for all agencies to acquire the valuable open space necessary to meet future standards."

Illinois Parks and Recreation 25 September/October, 1973

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