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(Editor's Note: This will be a new column appearing twice a year. It will highlight new, exciting activities, or ideas that work. If your district is doing something unusual or has overwhelming success with an idea, let us know. Write in care of the editor.)

Veterans Park District found that the typical program brochure did not have "pizzaz" or appeal to attract the participant. They have instituted a system that could make the brochure obsolete.

They now publish a yearly calendar which includes dates of special events, class beginnings, and registration. On the back of each calendar page, dates are again noted along with detailed description of the program.

The entire twelve-page calendar is enclosed in an attractive cover, which makes a desirable addition to any wall.

One of the main problems in the formation of the calendar is the planning and coordination of activities for the entire year. Accuracy is almost essential.

Veterans Park District reports that the calendar has given a personality to the entire District, since people are constantly reminded of the many diversified programs throughout the year.

The second benefit is the increase in program participation since its adoption. During the times when funding is a major concern of all agencies, the Park District has found a way to maximize the effectiveness of every dollar spent on publications. For more information concerning this contact Tom Stipp, Veterans Park District, 17th and Rice St., Melrose Park, Ill.


The Director of Parks and Recreation for the Palos Heights Park and Recreation Board has found a way to sell recreation to the citizens of the community.

He writes a weekly column for two local newspapers called LEISURE-LY-WAYS.

The column has created a good image for the department, has helped promote activities, and gotten more of the residents and local organizations involved with the Recreation Board.

Jim Welsh, Director, reports that good public relations is the name of the game for all districts, new and old, small and large. For more information contact: Jim Welsh, Palos Heights Park and Recreation Board.


The Deerfield and Northbrook Park Districts are to be congratulated for a reciprocal agreement that is not only a step in intercommunity relations, but a cost and recreation benefit to the residents of each village.

Northbrook residents were able to buy season passes to the Deerfield golf course at the same rate that is charged to local citizens.

In exchange, Deerfield residents can use the Northbrook sports complex indoor ice skating rink for the same fee charged to Northbrook residents.

The benefits are obvious. Northbrook does not have to think of purchasing a $1 million golf course for its residents, and Deerfield does not have to build an ice rink for its residents, since both facilities are available nearby at reduced rates.

Special credit for this goes to Joe Doud, Northbrook's Park District Superintendent and to Don Pilger, Superintendent of the Deerfield Park District.

Illinois Parks and Recreation 26 November/December, 1973

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