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Ms. Debbie Rosendahl is the newly appointed Assistant Center Director at Oakton Neighborhood Recreation Center in Skokie, Illinois. Debbie is a recent graduate of Illinois State University, with a B.S. Degree in Recreation and Park Administration. Ms. Rosendahl did her field work for the Dundee Park District as a Teen Center Director, from January, 1975, to May, 1975. Debbie, also, has worked for the Palatine Park District. Her responsibilities with the Skokie Park District include working with Senior Citizens, Junior High Programming, and general center programming.


The Skokie Park District announces the appointment of Lori Morris to the position of Coordinator of Athletic programs.

Miss Morris is a recent graduate of DePaul University with a bachelor of Science degree in Physical Education and Recreation.

For over three years, Miss Morris has been employed with the Skokie Park District as a lifeguard, pool manager, swimming instructor and supervisor of girl's activities.

Lori served as President of the Women's Athletic Association in 1973-74 at DePaul University.


The Skokie Park District announces the appointment of Scottie Ricker to the position of Devonshire Center Director with the Park District.

Mrs. Ricker received her Bachelor of Science degree in Health and Physical Education from George Williams College. She has also taken graduate study at George Williams in Community Organization, Guidance and Management.

For the past four years, Scottie was employed with the Harvey Memorial Y.M.C.A. as Associate Program Director and Physical Activity Director.

In addition, Mrs. Ricker worked for the Girl Scouts for four years as Director of Camping Services.


Mr. Stanley G. Motley was appointed to the position of Superintendent of Parks of the Champaign Park District.

Motley previously served as Director of Parks and Recreation for the Lemont Township Park District. His other experience includes service as Director of Parks and Recreation in Streamwood, Illinois where he was awarded the Streamwood Man of the Year Distinguished Service Award in 1974; service with the U. S. Army Corps of Engineers in Germany where he was awarded the Army Commendation Medal for meritorious service; and Director of the Harbor Beach Resort Association in Harbor Beach, Michigan.

Champaign Parks Districts' General Manager Bob Toalson commented that they are very pleased with the experience, background, and enthusiasm that Stan Motley will bring to the Champaign Park District. While in Streamwood, Motley supervised the construction of a new recreation center, new swimming pool, and development of 165 acres of new parkland under a million dollar capital bond program. The new parks were designed by and developed under Motley's supervision. As director, Mr. Motley was responsible for the budget and fiscal operation, hiring and supervision of staff, and working with the Park Board. During his stay in Streamwood he was active in inter municipal relations and developed community school programs. The Streamwood Park District received several park development grants from the Federal Government and the Metropolitan Sanitary District under Mr. Motley's leadership.

Stanley Motley is a graduate of Western Illinois University in Physical Education and Park and Recreation Administration. He is a native of Pittsfield, Illinois and has a strong agricultural background.


John W. Brancaglione has been named deputy manager of the planning department of R. W. Booker & Associates, Inc., engineers, architects and planners, it was announced by James E. Moulder, president.

Brancaglione joined the Booker organization in 1969 as an associate planner and has been responsible

Illinois Parks and Recreation 30 September/October, 1975

for project management of a variety of urban, regional, and recreational planning projects.

He is a graduate of Michigan State University and is a certified planner-in-charge in Kansas, Maine, and Nebraska. He is a member of the American Society of Planning Officials, the Missouri Planning Association, and an associate member of the American Institute of Planners.

Illinois Parks and Recreation 31 September/October, 1975

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