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"Use Your Own Talent"

by Robert F. Toalson, Director Champaign Park District

Today with the ever changing concepts of Park and Recreation operations and the inflationary process that plays havoc with budgets, staff education is an important factor in increasing organizational effectiveness.

Staff education, or as it is sometimes referred to, staff training, has always been a part of park and recreation operations. The emphasis however, has been on sending staff members to workshops or inviting outside speakers to staff meetings. This is good, and is an important part of the staff education process. However we have been bypassing some of our most important instructional talent— our Park and Recreation staff.

Our staff members are doing the job in the organization, they are aware of problems as well as the strengths of the organization. They have pride in the job they are doing and they should and want to be a part of the team that improves their organization. Therefore, let's use them.

After following the traditional staff training concept for many years, the Champaign Park District adopted the new staff education concept last year. Almost every full-time and some parttime staff members were involved in a leadership capacity in the staff education program. They were responsible for making arrangements for a session where some outside speakers were used or visits to other programs were arranged, or they were a part of the instructor team for a session. The effect was tremendous.

Everyone wanted to do a good job in front of other staff members and they put in extra time to prepare for their session. Morale jumped because everyone had an important part in the program. Not only did they prepare for their part but they were active participants in the other sessions rather than attending reluctantly and catching up on some sleep, as sometimes happens.

In evaluations following the session there was unanimous agreement that the sessions were worthwhile and that more was gained by going to the sessions than in staying on the job and working, (a complaint of previous years).

In addition to staff involvement on the instructional teams, a couple of other techniques were tried which proved very valuable. Rather than being required to attend every session, the staff had the opportunity to choose five sessions from a list of twenty-three programs. Over an eight week period they attended the five sessions of their choice. The sessions were arranged in four groups with a limitation that each staff member had to choose one session from each of the following groups.

Group A.
1) Organizational structure of the District
2) Affirmative Action Plan
3) Park District financial picture

Group B.
1) Role of Park Commissioner
2) Role of Park Treasurer

Group C.
1) Effective relationships between summer programs and maintenance operations
2) Better work opportunities
3) Personnel Policies

Group D. (two choices)
1) Basic park planning concepts
2) Vehicle and equipment safety
3) Public information— writing, editing, flyers, posters, etc.
4) Park District facilities tour
5) Requirements for care and maintenance of new buildings
6) Visit to other park districts operations
7) Small engine repair
8) Pruning of trees and shrubs, and creative design of plant material
9) Brainstorming new program areas
10) Office accounting procedures
11) History of parks and recreation in Champaign
12) Pool operations
13) Shop operations
14) Bond project summary
15) Qualities of leadership

The second aspect of the program was that every effort was made to mix personnel from park operations, recreation department, and the office staff in each session. This mixture and the fact that because more sessions were offered through the process of giving a choice, the sessions averaged about 8-10 people; there was a good exchange of ideas and a better understanding of the other person and the job that he or she does. Another benefit resulted from the understanding and relationship that resulted when a park commissioner and the treasurer handled those sessions that related to their job.

For Staff Education—we have the talent—let's use it.

Illinois Parks and Recreation 12 November/December, 1975

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