
December 1
First day that 1977 license plates may be legally displayed

December 3
Last day for the State Board of Elections or the county clerks to notify political committees who have filed a Statement of Organization with them of the committee's obligation to file a 60 day report (post election report) of campaign contributions

December 7
Board of Higher Education meets at the Sheraton-Chicago Hotel, Chicago

December 9
State Board of Education meets at Bismarck Hotel, Chicago

December 13
Board of Elections meets in Springfield

December 24-25 Christmas holidays

December 31 New Year's Eve

Standing meetings
Third Wednesday of the month
University of Illinois Board of Trustees at the University of Illinois Medical Center, Chicago

Second Thursday of the month
Southern Illinois University Board of Trustees at SIU, Edwardsville.

"The marvel of all history is the patience with which men and women submit to burdens unnecessarily laid upon them by their governments."

William E. Borah, R., Idaho
(Dean of the U.S. Senate, 1907-1940)

December 1976/Illisnois Issues/32

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