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By Kay Kastel Forest

Once again IPRS is offering a package tour to the NRPA Congress in Boston, October 16-22. We have booked a quality hotel—the Sheraton Boston —located at the Prudential Plaza Convention Center. Since we were able to obtain only a limited number of rooms, early reservation is a necessity.

In addition to providing a convenient service to members, the travel program adds to the income of the Society. Since membership dues represent less than 35% of the total budgeted income of IPRS, in order to maintain adequate services, IPRS depends on the members support of its revenue producing activities, such as the travel program, sports and activities, ways and means, etc.

The Workshop Committee has planned an excellent continuing education series for professionals. We hope that all members take the opportunity to attend several Workshops. Remember that even though they are free to all voting IPRS members, registration is necessary.

The Committee has also planned a special Revenue Facilities Workshop on July 22, designed for those involved in the operation of indoor tennis/handball courts, golf courses, swimming pools, and artificial ice rinks. Site selection, design, maintenance, and management are only a few of the topics to be discussed. Registration deadline is July 9. Forms are available from the IPRS Office.

The Task Force Implementation Committee has been meeting. The members will have one more chance to respond to the Task Force before it comes to a constitutional vote. There will be 2 public hearings scheduled in mid-June. The exact dates will be publicized as soon as they are known. This will be your final chance to submit your input to the new organization. If you don't agree on membership requirements, dues, structure, sections, etc., the public hearing will be your chance to let the IPRS Board and Committee know.

Congratulations are in order for the out-going Student Branch President, Dennis Hayes, and all of the officers. Illinois not only has one of the largest student memberships in the country (400) but also has the most organized and active Student Branch.

IAPD and IPRS believe that the democratic process functions best through frank and open discussion. Materials published in this magazine, therefore often presents divergent and controversial points of view which do not necessarily represent the views or policies of the two sponsoring organizations.

Illinois Parks and Recreation 3 May/June, 1976

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