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IPRA highlites

by Kay Kastel Forest

This is the time of the year that IPRA members should begin to think about awards for deserving professionals and lay persons. Listed below are the different categories.

We urge IPRA members to submit their nominations. Official award blanks are available through the IPRA office. Call us today.

FELLOW AWARD: This is the highest award presented by the Illinois Park and Recreation Association to a professional member for service to the field of parks and recreation and to the association. The nominee must have served at least 10 years in the field and meet certain other criteria which are explained on the nomination form.

PROFESSIONAL CITATION AWARD: This award is presented to a professional member for his/her dedication to the advancement of the park and recreation movement within his/her community and the state. The nominee must have served at least 5 years in the field.

SPECIAL CITATION: This award is designed for lay individuals who have made an outstanding contribution and have shown unselfish dedication for the advancement of parks and recreation. It is presented to the individual in his or her local community.

COMMUNITY SERVICE AWARD: This is reserved for lay groups who have displayed unselfish dedication in furthering park and recreation services in their own community. The presentation is made to the group in their community.

Since the IPRA awards program is one of the services offered, we hope that our members take advantage of the opportunity to give input.

It is also the time of year to be thinking about nominations for the IPRA Board of Directors. Chuck Paxton, past president, is Chairman of the Nominating Committee and will be soliciting input from the members. If you are interested in becoming a candidate for the IPRA Board, or know of someone who is, please submit the name to the IPRA office.

The sections are also interested in finding people who are willing to serve on their boards and committees. Send your suggestions to the IPRA office.

NOW is the time for you-the member—to have a voice in the direction of YOUR association. Let us hear from you!!

Illinois Parks and Recreation 3 July/August, 1977

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