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From the desk of:

Executive Vice President

by Eugene Berghoff

A number of inquiries are received annually in the office asking the question, "When is the best time to hold a referendum to increase tax rates or authorize a bond issue"?

The following survey conducted by the Illinois Office of Education and obtained from the Illinois Association of School Boards' News Bulletin, came up with several stock answers. Avoid the income tax deadline (April 15). Get it close to Christmas when people are in a generous spirit. Don't do it when property tax bills come out. Do it in September when people are thinking of school.

For whatever actual experience is worth, here is a ranking of the months based on data provided in the survey for the years July, 1972 to June, 1976.
1. January—10 elections, 70% successful
2. July-9 elections, 56% successful
3. March—46 elections, 52% successful
4. May-71 elections, 46% successful
5. April-68 elections, 44% successful
6. October-48 elections, 44% successful
7. December-101 elections, 37% successful
8. September-41 elections, 37% successful
9. February-38 elections, 37% successful
10. November-53 elections, 36% successful
11. August— 12 elections, 25% successful
12. June 27 elections, 15% successful
Four year totals: 524 elections, 40% successful.

What has been your districts experience with referendums?


Readers are urged to submit copy and pictures as far in advance as possible. Manuscripts should be typed in upper/lower case, double-spaced on one side on 8.5" x 11" white bond paper. Black and white glossy photographs are preferred.

Illinois Parks and Recreation 3 September/October, 1977

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