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IPRA highlites

by Kay Kastel Forest Executive Director

The annual Illinois Park and Recreation Conference was a record breaking success this year. Attendance was over 2300, and the number of educational and commercial exhibits increased. Congratulations are in order for the IAPD and IPRA conference committees for their hard work under the chairmanship of Don Earley, Commissioner from the West Chicago Park District, and Dave Colmar, Director of the Homewood-Flossmoor Park District.

Planning for the next conference is already underway. A special meeting of some of the staff and commissioners in Southern Illinois was held to get input and assistance in planning the 1978 Conference which will be held at Stouffers Riverfront Towers, St. Louis, Missouri from November 16-19. If you are interested or have comments about the conference contact the 1978 chairpersons—Barbara Straus, Commissioner, Olympia Fields Park District and John Hedges, Director, Franklin Park Park District.

The next big event for IPRA will be the "INNOVATIVE EDUCATIONAL HAPPENING" which will be held April 13-15, 1978 in Peoria, Illinois. This is a first for IPRA and we are counting on the support of all of the members. The "happening" is actually a mid year educational meeting/workshop of all of the sections. It will consist of in-depth workshops and sessions planned by each section and mixed in with some recreation.

The "happening" came about when the need for more coordination in the different section workshops became apparent. It will give all IPRA members an opportunity to interact with those members in their special interest area and those in other sections as well. The educational seminars will include such topics as Cultural Arts—planning, funding, grants, etc.; Financial Management for your agency—in depth; Personnel Evaluation, Management, and Selection; Time Management; Dimensions of Personal Growth for the Mentally Retarded; Land Donations.

All of the sections are responsible for a portion of the program. The social events will include a disco party, barn dance, barbeque, and participation in golf, tennis and/or racquetball tournaments (optional). A miriad of facilities is available to us through the Peoria Park District, the Forest Park Foundation and the city of Peoria. All IPRA members will be receiving more details on the INNOVATIVE EDUCATIONAL HAPPENING but mark your calendars now and plan to attend.

Illinois Parks and Recreation 3 January/February, 1978

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