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Legal & Legislative Notes

by Robert A. Stuart General Counsel

The following is a report that was submitted to the Joint IAPD/IPRA Legislative Committee regarding the status of the legislative program for 1978.

1. Increase of Corporate Rate to 15cents with backdoor referendum and to 35cents with voter approval.

This Bill has been introduced as HB 3269. (sponsor Representative Lucco)

2. Include Park Districts as recipients of State Income Tax.

This Bill is in Interim Study Committee as HB 1265. Should be released from Study Committee and considered by the General Assembly.

3. Exempt Park Districts from payment of Municipal Utility Taxes.

This Bill has been introduced as HB 2629 and is on the calendar of the General Assembly.

4. Permit Park Districts to share in State Revenue Sharing funds.

This Bill has been introduced as HB 63. Is presently in Interim Study Committee. Should be released and considered by the General Assembly.

5. Remove all referendum requirements for paving and lighting and police taxes.

This Bill has been introduced as HB 79. The House Rules Committee denied exempt status for HB 79 and therefore the Bill is dead for the remainder of this legislative session.

6. Distribute all unclaimed lottery prize money to Park Districts.

This Bill was introduced as SB 1222. It was defeated on the floor of the Senate and, therefore, cannot be considered in this session.

7. Amendment to clarify and correct existing discrepancies in Sections 2-l0a and 2-12a of the Park District Code relating to the increase of the size of the park district to 7 members and the shortening of the length of term from 6 years to 4 years.

Bill introduced as SB 1667. (sponsor Senator Glass)

8. Amendment of Section 8-1 (c) of The Park District Code to provide that all contracts for supplies, materials or work involving an expenditure of less than $5,000 may be entered into without bidding and public advertisement. This Bill was introduced as HB 474. Was defeated on the floor of the House and cannot be reintroduced in this session.

9. Formation of Legislative Commission to study the Park District role in regard to Senior Citizens.

The Department of Aging has requested that such a Bill not be introduced in this session of the General Assembly. The Department presently has a commission considering these matters as an advisory commission to the Department and will add a representative of Park Districts to that commission. This will involve a memorandum agreement with the Department rather than legislation.

10. To amend Section 8-10.2, Associations Established for the Maintenance and Management of Joint Recreational Programs for the Handicapped, to be given the authority to incorporate.

An attempt is being made to design legislation to accomplish the purpose for which this suggestion is made. Inasmuch as it involves the creation of a separate unit of local government in which park districts may not necessarily have participation, many difficulties are being encountered by the Legislative Reference Bureau and the drafters in working out this type of legislation. There is no possibility of getting such legislation considered in the present "Fiscal Session" of the General Assembly.

Continued on page 22

Illinois Parks and Recreation 10 May/June, 1978


11. Permits Park Districts to acquire land by eminent domain up to two miles outside the boundaries of such district.

This Bill has been introduced as SB 1528. (sponsor Senator Bowes)

Note: It must be remembered that this Session is a "Fiscal Session." All bills must go to the Rules Committee. I have ascertained that the Rules Committee will not permit any item of legislation not strictly concerned with fiscal problems to be released from that Committee for consideration by the General Assembly in 1978.

Illinois Parks and Recreation 22 May/June, 1978

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