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State Stix

According to the October 1979 comptroller's report, the cost of operating state government has almost doubled over the last 10 years. In fiscal year 1970 operating costs were $867 million or 34.9 percent of general funds; in fiscal 1979 operating costs were $1.7 billion or 26.8 percent of general funds. The decrease in the operations share of the general funds dollar means that a larger percentage of general funds go for programs rather than operating costs. The operations share of general funds reached a low of 25.8 percent in 1977 with slight increases in 1978 and 1979. It is too early to say whether these increases represent a new upward trend. . . . In fiscal 1979 the state paid $1.1 billion for salines, almost twice as much as the $604 million paid out in fiscal 1970. The state's share of retirement, social security and group insurance rose to $183 million in fiscal 1979, four times as much as the 1970 figure of $46 million. This was due in part to health insurance for state employees instituted in fiscal 1972. Other items on the operations budget that have doubled or tripled over the last decade are: contractual services, $168 million in fiscal 1979; $60 million in fiscal 1970; printing, $7 million in fiscal 1979, $2 million in fiscal 1970; and automobile operations, $5 million in fiscal 1979, $2 million in fiscal 1970.

Higher education, mental health and developmental disabilities (DMHDD), public aid and corrections are the agencies with operations budgets of over $100 million in fiscal 1979. Higher education led with an operations budget of $612 million, 73 percent higher than the fiscal 1970 budget of $353 million. The DMHDD operations budget was $319 million in fiscal 1979, a 53 percent increase over $208 million in fiscal 1970. Operations expenses grew more slowly in this field because of the shutdown of some state institutions. Public aid operations were $164 million in fiscal 1979, up 193 percent from $56 million in fiscal 1970. Corrections operations cost $141 million in fiscal 1979, up 176 percent from $51 million in fiscal 1970. Operations for judicial agencies, statewide elected officials, personnel, children and family services and legislative agencies also increased more than 100 percent over the last 10 years. Salary hikes for top officials played a part in this increase, as did larger staffs. The big jump in personnel spending was caused by contributions to group health insurance plans.

March 1980/Illinois Issues/27

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