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State Stix

In September the general funds end-of-month balance was $468.82 million; the general funds average daily available balance was $442.16 million, and the combined funds end-of-month balance was $672.15 million. . . . State revenues for July and August of 1980 compared with July and August of 1979: income tax receipts were $333 million, up $7 million or 2.1 percent from 1979 (but this increase was $32 million less than the fiscal 1980 increase and $22 million less than fiscal 1979), sales tax receipts were $405 million, a decrease of $16 million or 3.8 percent; public utility taxes receipts were $84 million, up $19 million or 29.2 percent (but $11 million of this increase was due to delayed June revenues); federal aid receipts were $244 million, up $41 million or 20.2 percent.. . . The final statewide seasonally adjusted unemployment rate in September was 8.8 percent, up 0.2 percent from August.

30/November 1980/Illinois Issues

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