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Creative Corner

The creative efforts of this issue were contributed by young consumers from throughout Illinois. Each was asked to define one or more of the following terms: leisure, recreation, and therapeutic recreation. They were also asked to indicate why they felt the concepts involved are important for kids.

The results of their thinking are presented, unedited — along with some supporting art work that they felt represented their ideas. We appreciate their thinking and acknowledge once again (sigh!) that kids know more than grown-ups.

Laura Weller 9 1/2 Grade 4 - Liberty School Danville

"Recreation is when you play, swim, ect. It is important because it is good excersis and it gets the blood in your body sercerlating."

Recreation "something that has to do with fun things."

Chris Nudd - 9 1/2 Grade 4 - Lewis School Carbondale

Recreation - "when somebody goes to gym and exreises. It means to exreises."

Chris Medlin • 9 Grade 4 - Lewis School Carbondale

Leisure "is a time when you do something enjoyable or a time you can do it. People complain they have to work in their leisure time — Leisure is important because everyone needs a time to relax."


Recreation "is something you do strictly for fun that is enjoyable and relaxing that might be done in your leisure time."

Laura Faith Cleary - 11 Grade 6 - St. Alphonsus Chicago

Therapeutic Recreation "is a form of therapy in which recreation is used to help the handicapped and mentally ill — It is important because it helps people."

Therapiutic Recreation "is what I think. This is what I think. I think Therapiutic recreation is that it mean's like, I had a cold. So then I went to the doctor. Then I was much better. So I said, "Thank you a lot" he said. "your welcome" boy boy!"

Erik Runkle - 8 Grade 3 - Washington School, Champaign
Therapeutic Recreation "makes you feel better when you're down."

Recreation "a way of some sort to keep healthy."

Jacky Crenshaw- 9 Grade 4 Lewis School Carbondale

Illinois Parks and Recreation • 24 January/February, 1980

Becky White - 9 Grade 4 • Lewis School Carbondale
Therapeutic Recreation "like if someone fell and skined your knee and go to your father (mother) and tell that you fell down and skined your knee they will treat it with care and help it."
Recreation "when someone plans out what you are going to do (like at the YMCA you can chose what you want to do)." Steve Runkle - 10 Grade 5 - Washington School, Champaign

"Leisure is time off or free time. He played football in his leisure time. It is important for kids to have leisure time because they need some way to use their energy."

Leisure "It means not doing anything in particular. It is important to kids because it gives us time to relax and not do anything." Therapeutic Recreation "It is some sort of activity that helps the mind or body. It is helpful to kids because it makes us stronger while helping us to learn."

Jenny Brewer • 11 Grade 6 - St. Alphonsus Chicago
Recreation "It also means doing an activity. It gives kids a break from school but it is also something to give us exercise."

Therapeutic Recreation "Activities helping kids. Good to help kids with problimbes."

Jay Zimmerman - 9 Grade 4 - Lewis School Carbondale
Leisure - "Being drawn into things, bad because kids might not want to."

Recreation "activities to get envolved in things."

"Leisure is living in the present hour."

Len Cleary, Jr. - 35 Grade 22 - SIU Carbondale

Leisure - "extra time or play. If you did not have leisure time, you probley won't have enough time for extra work or play."

Recreation - "sports or physical education: exercise. If you didn't have recreation, you would be weak. Also you would be sick all the time. Recreation is very important to children's and grownups health."
Therapeutic Recreation - "a thoughtful way to make you feel better if you are sad."

Eric Rehwaldt - 8 1/2 Grade 4 - Lewis School Carbondale

Dawne Darnell • 9 Grade 4 - Lewis School Carbondale

Therapeutic Recreation - "if you are sick or hurt you should still get exercise or play, so some kids parents get special equitment for you to exercise on. If you are sick, you can still get the exercise you need to say or keep healthy."

Illinois Parks and Recreation • 25 January/February, 1980

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