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CHAPTER I: History of cumulative voting

1 There are numerous worthwhile accounts of the early history of cumulative voting. This section relies primarily on material drawn from the following sources: George S. Blair, Cumulative Voting: An Effective Electoral Device in Illinois Politics (Urbana: University of Illinois Press, 1960); Janet Cornelius, Constitution Making in Illinois, 1818-1970 (Urbana: University of Illinois Press, 1972); Charles W. Dunn, "Cumulative Voting Problems in Illinois Legislative Elections," Harvard Journal on Legislation, 9 (1972), pp. 627-65; Charles S. Hyneman and Judson D. Morgan, "Cumulative Voting in Illinois," Illinois Law Review, 32 (1937), pp. 12-31; and Blaine F. Moore, The History of Cumulative Voting and Minority Representation in Illinois, 1870-1919 (Urbana: University of Illinois Press, 1919).

2 Quoted by Moore, p. 25.
3 Quoted by Moore, p. 27.
4 Quoted by Moore, p. 27.
5 Hyneman and Morgan, p. 22, Table 2.
6 "League of Women Voters of Illinois, The Election of Illinois Representatives: Should Our System Be Changed?, no date, p. 2.

7 People v. Deneen, 247 Ill. 289 (1911). The sequence of court cases concerning the application of cumulative voting in primaries was summarized by the 1920 Illinois Constitutional Convention in a report of the Legislative Committee, May 7, 1920, in the section on Court Cases on Cumulative Voting in Illinois.

8 "Quoted by the League of Women Voters of Illinois, p. 2.
9 See Blair, pp. 12-22.
10 "Legislative Reference Bureau, The Constitution of Illinois, updated, pp. 52, 53, 54.
11Illinois Legislative Council File 6-117 (Feb. 14, 1967), 7-662 (April 28, 1970), 8-031 (Dec. 14, 1971), 8-395 (March 20, 1974), 9-140 (March 1981).

12 The material summarized in this section was collected from the following studies: Moore; Blair; Hyneman and Morgan; James Kuklinski, "Cumulative and Plurality Voting: An Analysis of Illinois' Unique Electoral System," Western Political Quarterly, 26 (Dec. 1973), pp. 726-46; and Jack Sawyer and Duncan MacRae, Jr., "Game Theory and Cumulative Voting in Illinois, 1920-1954," American Political Science Review, 56 (1962), pp. 936-46.

13 Blair, p. 129. It is interesting to compare Blair's list to the set of arguments against cumulative voting provided in the "blue ballot" by the Secretary of State in 1980. See pp. 00.

14 Kuklinski, pp. 738-41.
15 Sawyer and MacRae, p. 941.
16 This point is made in Blair; Hyneman and Morgan; and Kuklinski.
17 Hyneman and Morgan, pp. 22-24.
18 Blair, pp. 130-4.
19 Moore, p. 137.
20 Hyneman and Morgan, p. 13.

CHAPTER II: The 1970 Constitutional Convention

1 Samuel W. Witwer, "Introduction to the 1970 Illinois Constitution," Record of Proceedings, Sixth Illinois Constitutional Convention, 1969-70 (Springfield: Secretary of State, 1972), I, p. ix.

2 Report of the Constitution Study Commission (Feb. 1967), pp. 13, 15.
3 David Kenney, "Representation in the General Assembly," in Con-Con: Issues for the Illinois Constitutional Convention, ed. Victoria Ranney, Papers Prepared by the Constitution Research Group, Samuel K. Gove, Director (Urbana: University of Illinois Press, 1970), p. 135.

4 The following account is based on Samuel K. Gove and Thomas R. Kitsos, Revision Success: The Sixth Illinois Constitutional Convention (New York: National Municipal League, 1974), pp. 87-112.

5 Gove and Kitsos, p. 102.
6 Gove and Kitsos, p. 110.
7 Gove and Kitsos, p. 111. The authors cite Rubin G. Cohn, To Judge With Justice (Urbana: University of Illinois Press, 1973), p. 115.

8 David Kenney, Basic Illinois Government (Carbondale: Southern Illinois University Press, 1974), p. 421.
9 Coalition for Political Honesty v. State Board of Elections, 83 111. 2d 236 (1980), p. 262.
10 Record of Proceedings, Sixth Illinois Constitutional Convention, 1969-70, IV, Verbatim Transcripts, p. 2710.
11 IV, Verbatim Transcripts, p. 2710-11.
12 IV, Verbatim Transcripts, p. 2712.
13 Charles W. Dunn, "The Future of Legislative Reform in Illinois: The 1970 Constitution," Chicago Bar Record, 52 (March 1971), p. 297.

CHAPTER III: The pay raise and the petitions

1 Michael Kilian, Connie Fletcher, and F. Richard Ciccone, Who Runs Chicago? (New York: St. Martin's Press, 1979), p. 264.
2 "Committee Seeks Reduction in House of Representatives," State Journal-Register [Springfield], 14 Sept. 1973, p. 3.
3 Robert Bergstrom, Press Release, 3 May 1974.
4 This material was largely drawn from accounts in the Chicago Tribune, Feb. 1978 through Jan. 1979.
5 Anne Keegan, "An offer payrollers can't refuse," Chicago Tribune, 8 Feb. 1978, Sec. 1, p. 1.
6 "The state's costly habit," Chicago Tribune, 10 Feb. 1978, Sec. 4, p. 2.
7 Coalition for Political Honesty v. State Board of Elections, 65 Ill. 2d 453 (1976).
8 Patrick Quinn, "General Assembly costs," Chicago Tribune, 14 Feb. 1978, Sec. 3, p. 2.
9 William Griffin, "Bakalis rips raises for top state officials," Chicago Tribune, 14 Feb. 1978, Sec. 1, p. 3.
10 "Daniel Egler, "Thompson defends his quick veto," Chicago Tribune, 1 Dec. 1978, Sec. 1, p. 3.
11 "The legislators cry 'Charge!' " Chicago Tribune, 1 Dec. 1978, Sec. 5, p. 2.
12 Harry Kelly, "Pay boosts called setback to nation," Chicago Tribune, 3 Dec. 1978, Sec. 1, p. 1.
13 Patrick Quinn, Letter from Coalition for Political Honesty, Dec. 1979.
14 "Sean Toolan, "Pols say Carter 'misunderstood' big pay raises," Chicago Tribune, 4 Dec. 1978, Sec. 3, p. 1.
15 "No State Quite Like Ours," Journal Star [Peoria], 17 Dec. 1978, p. A-6.
16 Daniel Egler and Mitchell Locin, "Stale lawmakers ignore pay-hike protest," Chicago Tribune, 14 Dec. 1978, Sec. 3, p. 24.
17 Daniel Egler, "Thompson calls extra session," Chicago Tribune, 3 Jan. 1979, Sec. I, p. 1.
18 Daniel Egler, "Thompson takes oath — apologizes . . .," Chicago Tribune, 9 Jan. 1979, Sec. 1, p. 12.
19 Robert W. Bergstrom, "How to make Illinois' House trim, slim, and responsive," Chicago Tribune, 19 Dec. 1978, Sec. 3, p. 2.
20 Bergstrom, 19 Dec. 1978, Sec. 3, p. 2.
21 "DiLillo needs help," Lincoln Courier, 22 Jan. 1979, p. 2.
22 Janet Otwell, Letter to Local League Presidents, 28 Nov. 1979.
23 David Axelrod, "Battle lines form in fight to trim Illinois House," Chicago Tribune, 14 April 1980, Sec. 4, p. 1.

24 In addition to the Illinois Issues articles cited below, the material from this section was drawn from the verbatim transcripts of the proceedings of the Illinois House of Representatives for May 4, 8, 10 and June 29, 1979, and the Illinois Senate for June 19, 21 and 27, 1979; the Legislative Synopsis and Digest of the 1979 session of the 81st General Assembly, State of Illinois (Legislative Reference Bureau); and the firsthand observations of Kent Redfield, then a member of the staff of the Speaker of the House.

25 Margaret S. Knoepfle, "The Board of Elections and the Thompson Proposition," Illinois Issues, Nov. 1978, p. 2.
26 Knoepfle, p. 22.

27 H. B. 570 covered nonbinding referenda and H.B. 822 covered binding referenda initiated under the 1970 Illinois Constitution affecting the legislative article of the Constitution. H.B. 570 was introduced on Feb. 22, and H.B. 822 on March 8. The related nature of the bills is evident from their content and their consecutive numbers assigned by the Legislative Reference Bureau.
28 Al Manning, "House members busy raising money," State Journal-Register [Springfield], 7 Aug. 1980, p. 5.
29 Jeff Brody, "Board calls 'foul' on petition drive," State Journal-Register [Springfield], 6 May 1980, p. 9.
30 Jeff Brody, "Random sample validity test set for petitions," State Journal-Register [Springfield], 13 May 1980, p. 1-2.
31 Transcript of "Hearing on the Reduction of the Size of the Legislature of the State of Illinois," State Board of Elections, Springfield, 30 July 1980, p. 44.
32 Caryl Carstens, "Petitions to cut House rejected," State Journal-Register [Springfield], 31 July 1980, p. 1.
33 Carstens, p. 1.
34 Al Manning, "The high court's amendment ruling," State Journal-Register [Springfield], 4 Sept. 1980, p. 7.
35 "A victory for voters' rights," Chicago Tribune, 5 Sept. 1980, Sec. 1, p. 12.
36 "Coalition for Political Honesty v. State Board of Elections, 83 Ill. 2d 236 (1980), pp. 236-277.

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CHAPTER IV: The passage the cutback amendment

1 "House cutback gains backers," Chicago Tribune, 21 Sept. 1980, Sec. 1, p. 14.
2 League of Women Voters of Illinois, Help us build a better House (Chicago: LWVIll, 1980).
3 "No State Quite Like Ours," Journal Star [Peoria], 17 Dec. 1978, p. A-6.
4 Al Manning, "House members busy raising money," State Journal-Register [Springfield], 7 Aug. 1980, p. 5.
5 "House cut plan links opponents," The Daily Pantagraph [Bloomington], 3 Nov. 1980, p. 5.
6 James Q. Wilson, The Amateur Democrat (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1966), p. 82.
7 Illinois Legislative Council File 9-141 (1980).
8 Illinois Legislative Council File 9-160 (1980).
9 Charles N. Wheeler, Ill, "Savings at issue in bid to cut size of House," Sun-Times, 16 Oct. 1980, p. 8.

10 The following material was based on Illinois Legislative Council File 9-136 (1980); and Lee Strobel, "Reduce the legislature? — why one state regrets it," Chicago Tribune, 21 Sept. 1980, Sec. 1, p. 1, 14.

11 "Basil Talbott, Jr., "Pat Quinn, House-wrecker," Sun-Times, 1 Sept. 1980, p. 5.
12 Much of this information was received in a telephone interview with Patrick Quinn, Leader of the Coalition for Political Honesty, 14 May 1981.
13 Much of this information was received in a telephone interview with Giddy Dyer, former Illinois State Representative, 19 May 1981.
14 Hugh A. Bone and Robert C. Benedict, "Perspectives on Direct Legislation," The Western Political Quarterly, 28 (June 1975), p. 339 (Table 3).
15 John Shockley, The Initiative Process in Colorado (Boulder, Colo.: Bureau of Governmental Research and Science, 1980), p. 3.
16 C. L. Dancey, "Tri-County was epicenter of cutback earthquake," Journal Star [Peoria], 14 Dec. 1980, p. A-6.
17 Illinois Approves Legislative 'Cutback' Amendment by Big Vote," Comparative State Politics Newsletter, Jan. 1981, p. 23.
18 JoAnna Watson, Electing a Constitution (Urbana: University of Illinois Press, 1980), p. 102.

19 For a recent suggestion that a national initiative would increase voter turnout significantly, see American Institute of Public Opinion, 'Voting on Issues, U.S. referendums win backing," Sun-Times, 24 May 1981, p. 2.

20 Dancey, p. A-6.
21 It may be noted, for example, that the democratic organization controlled all 50 wards in 1977. For an analysis of Democratic domination of city politics, see Peter W. Colby and Paul Michael Green, "The consolidation of clout," in Ilinois Elections, eds. Caroline A. Gherardini, J. Michael Lennon, Richard J. Shereikis, and Larry R. Smith (Springfield: Sangamon State University, 1979), pp. 15-24.

22 On the political cultures of the states, see Daniel J. Elazar, American Federalism: A View from the States (New York: Crowell, 1966). Elazar suggests that southern Illinois is influenced by traditional political culture, p. 97.

23 Alan D. Monroe, "Cultural Influences on Voting in Illinois: From the Seventies into the Eighties," Paper delivered at Crossroads '80, a Conference on Illinois Government and Politics, 2-4 Oct. 1980 (Springfield: Sangamon State University, 1980).

CHAPTER V: The effects of the cutback

1 These skeptical remarks can be traced to Robert Merton's classic discussion of the functions of political machines in On Theoretical Sociology (New York: The Free Press, 1967), pp. 125-36.

2 Illinois Legislative Council File 9-160 (24 Sept. 1980), pp. 4, 10, 15.
3 See Daniel J. Elazar, American Federalism: A View from the States (New York: Crowell, 1966), p. 86.
4 Illinois Legislative Council File 9-160, p. 15.
5 "Should the size of the House be cut?" Illinois issues, Jan. 1980, p. 6.
6 Alan Rosenthal, Legislative Life (New York: Harper & Row, 1981), p. 24.
7 The following data are taken from Illinois Legislative Council File 7-587 (2 Feb. 1970):

Districts in which nominations limited to 3 candidates
In the 1960's, better than two-fifths of the districts had no competition (note that 1964 is not listed because of at-large election that year).

8 Article IV, Section 2b: "No political party shall limit its nominations to less than two candidates for representative in any legislative district."
9 See David H. Everson, "The bullet bites the dust," Illinois Issues, March 1981, p. 13.
10 See Malcolm E. Jewell and Samuel C. Patterson, The Legislative Process in the United States (New York: Random House, 1977, 3rd ed.), p. 96.
11 See Charles W. Dunn, "Cumulative Voting Problems in Illinois Legislative Elections," Harvard Journal on Legislation, 9 (1972), pp. 627-65.

12 See Samuel C. Patterson, "American State Legislatures and Public Policy," in Politics in the American States, eds. Herbert Jacob and Kenneth N. Vines (Boston: Little, Brown and Company, 1976), p. 153.

13 James Kuklinski has observed that "cumulative voting does allocate seats more proportionately than does plurality voting." "Cumulative and Plurality Voting: An Analysis of Illinois' Unique Electoral System," Western Political Quarterly, 26 (Dec. 1973), p. 736.

14 See Austin Ranney, The Doctrine of Responsible Party Government (Urbana: University of Illinois Press, 1954).
15 "Should the size of the House be cut? No." Illinois Issues, Jan. 1980, pp. 4-7.
16 Illinois Legislative Council File 7-583 (1970). The validity of the study was weakened somewhat by the unavailability at that time of 1970 census data on percentage of black populations in each state.

17 Rosenthal, p. 30. Only Washington elects any members from multi-member districts. The Book of the States, 1978-9 (Lexington: The Council of State Governments, 1979), pp. 14-15.

18 Sandra Baxter and Marjorie Lansing, Women and Politics: The Invisible Majority (Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press, 1981), p. 137.
19 Rosenthal, p. 30.
20 These observations are from Robert Schaller, "The 'Cutback Amendment' and diversity in the House," Illinois issues, Nov. 1980, p. 10.

21 Richard Wiste, "Cumulative Voting and Legislator Performance," in Illinois: Political Processes and Governmental Performance, ed. Edgar G. Crane (Dubuque: Kendall/Hunt, 1980), p. 122.

22 For a discussion of the responsible parties ideal in relationship to Illinois government, see Peter W. Colby, "Illinois Politics and the Ideal of Responsible Party Government," in Illinois: Political Processes and Governmental Performance, ed. Edgar G. Crane (Dubuque: Kendall/Hunt, 1980), pp. 177-185.

23 Charles W. Wiggins and Janice Petty, "Cumulative Voting and Electoral Competition," American Politics Quarterly, 1 (July 1979), pp. 362-3.
24 Illinois Legislative Council File 9-171 (April 1981), pp. 8-9.
25 The quote comes from the title of the article by Peter W. Colby and Paul Michael Green on voting for statewide office, in Illinois Elections, eds. Caroline A. Gherardini, J. Michael Lennon, Richard J. Shereikis, and Larry R. Smith (Springfield: Sangamon State University, 1979), pp. 3-7. We are indebted to Jack R. Van Der Slik for suggesting that the notion will also be applicable to the results of House elections after the cutback.

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