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By Dr. Theodore B. Flickinger
Executive Director

Legislators Golf Outing

The Annual Legislators Golf Outing and Banquet will be held July 30th, 1982 at the White Pines Country Club and Golf Course in Bensenville. After a relaxing day of golf, a buffalo tro will be held topping the day of activities. Make plans now to attend and/or encourage your legislator(s) to attend.

State Fair Local Officials Day

State Fair Local Officials Day will be held August 7th, 1982 at the Fairgrounds in Springfield beginning with a luncheon program at the Conservation area. There will be a full day of activities planned for all locally elected officials followed by a reception with the Governor in the afternoon. More details on the programming will follow at a later date. The IAPD President and officers will be in attendance with Governor Thompson. The IAPD Board of Directors encourages any district member to attend the IAPD Board meeting at 7:30 p.m. on August 6th in the IAPD offices.

Long Range Planning

We are now encouraging input from the membership on what goals, objectives, projects and programs you would like to see the Association pursue within the next 5-7 years. This is your opportunity to offer guidance to the Association. We want to hear from you now.

Joint Editorial Board

At the March 12th, 1982 Editorial Board meeting in Springfield, Dr. Ted Flickinger, Executive Director of the IAPD, was named Managing Editor of the IPR Magazine with new added responsibilities. The Reader's Interest Survey will be reported at the June 25th Editorial Board meeting with a five year goals program proposal. Magazine readers can anticipate by the beginning of 1983 changes in the magazine format and content. A special thanks is extended to Dr. Len Cleary, concluding his tenure with the July/August issue, who devoted countless hours serving as associate editor and then editor of the magazine for the past three years.

June 2nd Reception in Washington, D.C.

The IAPD is receiving favorable feedback from our national congressional leaders to attend the June 2nd Reception sponsored by the National Recreation and Park Association.

We want to especially extend appreciation to the IAPD President, Pete Koukos, who has made several trips to Washington, D.C. to influence national legislation dealing with the Land & Water Conservation Fund, Urban Parks Recovery Act, federal surplus properties and the proposed Corridor for the Illinois-Michigan Canal as a historic, national open space area. These trips were all paid personally by the IAPD President and his Park District.

Workmen's Compensation

After a year of effort from the IAPD and member districts the Illinois Council for Workmen's Compensation Insurance has reclassified many park and recreation employees realizing a savings for park districts.

The Illinois Council for Workmen's Compensation Insurance informed us that our request for lower compensation rates has been granted.

Synopsis of IAPD January and April Board Meetings

IAPD at their January 30th, 1982 Board of Directors meeting ad-

Illinois Parks and Recreation    19    May/June1982

dressed the following subjects: A proposal for workmen's compensation insurance lower rates; Indemnification Ordinance for IAPD Board; Joint public Awareness Telephone Survey of Legislators; Computer for IAPD through Dues Check-Off Program.

IAPD at their April 20th, 1982 Board Meeting addressed the following subjects: Memorandum of Understanding with IPRA; Changing IAPD Structure regarding General Counsel; Workmen's Compensation; NRPA National Congress for 1986 Proposal for Chicago.

The next IAPD Board of Directors meeting open to any park, forest preserve, conservation district and park & recreation agency is scheduled for July 29th. Notify the IAPD office if you want directions to the location.

Illinois Parks and Recreation    28    May/June1982

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