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Sterling Park District Completes Marina Project

by Frank Duis
Dir. of Parks & Rec., Sterling Park District

Construction of Phase II of the Harry Oppold Marina project, sponsored by the United States Department of Agriculture Soil Conservation Service and the Sterling Park District under the auspices of the Blackhawk Hills Resource Conservation and Development Project is now in progress.

Phase I of the project, the excavation of the Oxbow Lake was completed in the fall of 1981 with the spoil material left to dry for leveling this spring for the construction of Phase II.

On April 30, 1982, USDA officials, Sterling Park District Commissioners and the general contractor, met to officially initiate Phase II of the project. Phase II, on a cost/share basis, amounts of $222,784.80. The three phase project totals $349,200.00, with $194,000 coming from the U.S. Department of Soil Conservation Service and $155,200.00 by the Sterling Park District.

After the leveling process, Phase II construction includes additional parking, roadwork, complete water and electrical system, 33 boat docking slips, 2 large picnic shelters, 6 sheltered picnic tables, additional picnic grills, 2 bar-b-que pits, waste receptacles, 2 additional restrooms, a theme-type playground, bicycle racks, 2,950 lineal feet of walkways, park benches and 75 additional picnic tables.

The Harry Oppold Marina went into operation in April of 1972 with about 15 acres of the 30.86 acre site developed under the State of Illinois Boating Act. The initial construction of the facility included, at that time, a 40x44' Harbor House, docking facilities, a 50' wide launching ramp, utilities, drives and parking facilities.

The third and final phase of the project will hopefully be completed this fall and calls for the total of 131 trees and 450 shrubs, making the Harry Oppold Marina park a complete boating and park facility.

Illinois Parks and Recreation 7 July/August 1982

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