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18-19 Turn of the Century, Starved Rock State Park, Utica (815/667-4906)

25-26 Jordbruksdagarna, Bishop Hill (309/927-3539 or 927-3540)

25-26 33rd Annual Tour of Historic Galena Homes, Galena (815/777-0203)


3-4 Autumn On Parade, Downtown Square, Oregon (815 732-2100)

3-4 + Spoon River Scenic Drive Fall Festival,

10-11 Lewistown (309/ 647-0771)

3-4 + Knox County Scenic Drive, Maquon/

10-11 Williamsfield (309 /375-6392)

10-11 Heritage Days on the Goshen Trail, Moore Community Park, Alton (618/ 466-3884)

10-11 Fort Massac Encampment, Fort Massac State Park. Metropolis (618/524-9321)

17-18 Indian Summer Festival, Lincoln Memorial Garden, Springfield (217/529-1111)


5-24 Chicago International Film Festival (312 /644-3400)

18-20 Pope County Deer Festival, Golconda (618 /683-4466)

21 + Christmas Around the World Exhibit, Museum of Science and Industry, Chicago (312/ 684-1414)

26-28 Julmarknod, Bishop Hill (309/927-3899)

Illinois Parks and Recreation 4 September/October 1982

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