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From Springfield . ..

Governor Thompson Strongly Supports LAWCON

Governor James R. Thompson recently sent a letter to Congressman Sidney R. Yates (D.-Chicago), Chairman of the Subcommittee on Interior Committee on Appropriations, urging support for the $100 million appropriation for the states grants portion of the Land and Water Conservation (LAWCON) program. The Governor has given IPR permission to print the text of the letter which follows:

State of Illinois
Springfield 62706

July 20, 1982

Honorable Sidney R. Yates
Chairman, Subcommittee on Interior
Committee on Appropriations
2234 Rayburn House Office Building
Washington, D.C. 20205

Dear Sid:

As the House Interior Appropriations Subcommittee begins action on the fiscal 1983 appropriations legislation, I urge you to support a $100 million appropriation for the states grants portion of the Land and Water Conservation (LAWCON) program.

As you know, the LAWCON program was not funded in fiscal 1982, with the intention that this be a one-year moritorium. State resources for this program have been exhausted. I believe it is important that this program be funded in fiscal 1983.

The LAWCON program has been successful in providing quality outdoor recreation areas and facilities in Illinois. I support this program because of the unique recreational benefits it has to offer the citizens of our State.

LAWCON represents the true philosophy of a federal/state/local partnership, with each partner sharing the costs of developing outdoor recreation projects. The Illinois De-

Illinois Parks and Recreation 11 September/October 1982

partment of Conservation has responsibly administered the state side of this program in Illinois, with a total of $114.5 million in Land and Water assistance awarded since the program's inception to 665 Illinois projects in 80 Illinois counties. Local units of government have received 72% of the total Sate awards and approximately 59% of all Illinois awards have been made to projects in the Chicago metropolitan area. The program has also assisted in the acquisition of 56,481 acres of public open space/recreational and natural areas in Illinois, including 3,600 acres in Cook County.

Since the program began, a combined total of $6.5 million has been expended for the benefit of your constituents. Examples of those program awards include:

• $1.4 million for the acquisition
(cont. on p.41)

Illinois Parks and Recreation 12 September/October 1982

(cont. from p.12)
and development of the Northbrook Park.

• $.74 million for four (4) projects in Evanston, including the development of Lovelace Park and a breakwater on Lake Michigan.

• $1.7 million to acquire Edgewater Park and $.93 million for the development of the Edgewater-Warren Park.

Renewed federal funding for this program will assure that such activities continue. I appreciate your consideration of this matter. Should you have any questions, please feel free to contact me.

Kindest regards. /s/ James R. Thompson, Governor

Illinois Parks and Recreation 41 September/October 1982

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