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Congressman Simon Likes IPR Article

Dear Sirs:
Thank you for sending me a copy of your magazine, Illinois Parks and Recreation. I especially noted the section on the Touch of Nature camp at Little Grassy Lake. Since I live in Makanda, the camp is right in the neighborhood.

Thanks for thinking of me.

My best wishes.
/s/     Paul Simon,
         U.S. Congressman

"Operation Help" For Snow Removal Great Success

Dear Sirs:
During the winter of "79", we introduced a service which I felt was not only innovative and unique, but also very appropriate. Our district is comprised of 28 1/2% senior citizens living on fixed incomes. During the extremely large snow falls of "79", local snow removal companies were going door-to-door looking for business and charging anywhere from $45.00 to $75.00 to plow a driveway.

The park district instituted "Operation Help" during which time, our maintenance crews would plow a driveway for $5.00.

The publicity that went to the papers stated that the park district would start on individuals driveways only after the district had cleared its own drives, parking lots and sidewalks. The publicity also stated that the program was specifically aimed at the seniors, shut-ins and those individuals suffering from chronic heart or other respiratory ailments.

Our district cleaned off approximately 200 driveways, saving our residents an estimated $1,800.00.

The program was so successful we have not been able to discontinue it, however, due to inflation our fee has been raised to $10.00 per driveway.

Frank A. Fencl,
Director of Parks and Recreation,
Memorial Park District,
Bellwood, IL

Illinois Parks and Recreation    9    November/December 1982

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