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Board of Directors Meetings
November 20,1982, IAPD Board of Directors and IPRA Board of Directors Annual Meetings; IAPD Annual Business and IPRA Annual Business Meetings. Hyatt Regency O'Hare, Rosemont.

Annual IPR Conference
November 18-21, 1982, at the Hyatt Regency O'Hare, Rosemont.

IPRA Sponsored Events
November 27, 1982, Rendezvous at the Ballet - Chicago City Ballet's performance of Cinderella, sponsored by IPRA Arts Committee
December 7, 1982, American Coaching Effectiveness Training, sponsored by IPRA, Highland Park.
February 20-24, 1983 - 37th Annual Great Lakes Park Training Institute, Pokagon State Park, Angola, Indiana

Illinois Parks and Recreation    9    November/December 1982

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