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1983 Proclaimed The Year For Its Observance In Illinois

Has your agency signed up for the LIFE. BE IN IT. campaign? The cost is little, the benefits great. See list of supporters who already have signed up on next page.

The Public Awareness Committee, co-chaired by Bonnie Noble and Connie Skibbe in 1982 and now by Arlene Mulder and Steve Scholten for 1983, has developed a long range plan to promote parks and recreation in Illinois through the LIFE. BE IN IT. program.

Through this Committee's efforts the LIFE. BE IN IT. program was officially sanctioned by the IAPD and IPRA boards for 1983. IAPD President Dr. Morgan Powell emphasized that "our story is still not being told. There is a strong need to gain greater recognition for the significance of park and recreation services throughout Illinois."

"This is the year that we definitely are going to fully promote, support, and implement the leisure movement philosophy as represented by the LIFE. BE IN IT. campaign," declared IPRA President Dave Phillips.

The two presidents hope all agencies will sign the LIFE. BE IN IT. agreement so that the slogan and logos can be used by all agencies this year.

To clarify why LIFE. BE IN IT. is so important and what it means to park and recreation agencies in Illinois, here are answers to some of the commonly asked questions about the campaign. We hope you read the questions carefully and sign up to be a part of the state-wide and national celebration on June 4th.

1. What is the purpose of the LIFE. BE IN IT. campaign?

The overriding objective of the LBII campaign is to influence the public's attitude toward recreation and "activity." This change in attitude hopefully will create a more positive feeling about the need and value of active recreation experiences.

2. What are the restrictions on the use of the slogan and logos?

Basically, the restrictions are very limited. First of all, there has to be a signed agreement between the park and recreation agency and NRPA; the proper copyright symbol has to appear somewhere in the printed material; and there can be no reference or association to alcoholic or tobacco products.

3. Why the need for a signed agreement?

We know there has been some confusion about the agreement and the $25 fee. Because of the copyright and trademark of the project and materials, this was a requirement when NRPA became the agent for the program.

4. What about the fee?

The $25 is a fee levied by NRPA to help offset the cost of materials such as the TV and radio tapes, printing of logos, instruction books, etc. Other than the monies generated by this fee, all other funds to operate this project are coming from private donations raised by the Board of Trustees or from corporate sponsorship.

The $25 is such a small amount when you consider that probably every park and recreation agency has already received more than $25 worth of promotional materials urging their involvement. And, you also must consider the fact that the project is scheduled for five years and this is a one-time cost.

5. What resources are provided by NRPA to park, recreation and conservation agencies for the campaign?

As we mentioned earlier, every agency has already received a LIFE. BE IN IT. kit of materials and ideas to help all get involved. Once an agency signs up to be a participant, it also will receive the quarterly newsletter, "LIFE. BE IN IT. Lines." This will offer news, information, ideas and up-coming events about the campaign.

In addition, each state association has now developed a LBII coordinator committee to provide help and answer questions. The coordinator in Illinois is:

Connie Skibbe, Director,
Park District of Highland Park,
636 Ridge Road,
Highland Park, 1L 60035

The NRPA Regional Office, 250 East Wood Street, Palatine, IL 60067 (312/359-2051), has copies of the film, "America, the 2nd Necessity," which is available for use with local staffs, civic and community organizations, elected officials, and others. It's a 16mm color film (18 minutes) which explains the philosophical background for LBII and describes the campaign. The TV tapes and radio spots are available; and we hope, through earlier contacts they have already been running in the 120 top TV market areas in the country.

6. How are private businesses becoming involved in LBII and how will their involvement affect local programs?

As of today, three major corporations have become involved asco-sponsors of various aspects of LBII. They are Campbell Soup Company, Prudential Insurance Company of

Illinois Parks and Recreation 9 January/February 1983

America, and ARCO (Atlantic Richfield Company). Their primary role will be to cover the cost of leaflets describing LBII ideas. The public will be encouraged to write for these leaflets at the end of the new LBII TV spots.

The NRPA is involved right now with Campbell Soup Company in testing another program called "Labels for Recreation" in which LBII will be highly promoted.

7. Are there any new developments in the TV markets?

As a matter of fact we just recently learned that the producers of the TV show, "Real People," are extremely interested in the project and have scheduled to air a LBII special edition of "Real People" next May 25th. This is one of the top ten programs on television this year and this special edition will be a great boost to the program. LBII Day is June 4, 1983, to kick off JUNE IS PARKS & RECREATION MONTH. Agencies are planning now to include their LBII festivities in spring or summer recreation brochures. Your state conference packet includes a form identifying participants in LBII Day. We hope all agencies will fill this out and send it to IAPD as soon as the June 4th event has been planned. To receive another copy of this form, you can call Connie Skibbe.

8. After an agency has signed the contract, who can use the slogan and logos?

One major initial contact and thrust throughout the campaign has been to deal with the local park and recreation agencies and to make them the focal point in their community. Once they sign the agreement, they become the agent in their community thereby giving them control over the use of the logos and trademark materials.

If other organizations and groups in the community want to get involved, they should be directed to the park and recreation agency. For example, a YMCA, church or the local heart association might want to get involved and use the logo. All they have to do is contact the local park and recreation agency. Other agencies may contract with NRPA to use the logo if the local park and recreation agency has not registered for the event.

GET INVOLVED. Call today either Connie Skibbe at (312) 831-3810 or the IAPD offices, (217) 523-4554, and join those agencies currently enrolled in the LIFE. BE IN IT. program. We want to make this our best public awareness program ever.

The following agencies have signed on to the LBII campaign as of October 1, 1982. They are reaping many benefits from the LBII public visibility campaign with little or no cost to them simply by designing their recreation brochure around the LBII logo and artwork as well as tagging LBII to special event programs, especially for the June 4th National LIFE. BE IN IT. Day.

The joint IPRA/IAPD goal is 100% participation.

Addison Park District
Arlington Heights Park District
Bartlett Park District
Batavia Park District
Belleville Park and Recreation Department
Bensenville Park District
Berwyn Playground and Recreation Commission
Bolingbrook Park District
Butterfield Park District
Carbondale Park District
Central Stickney Park District
Champaign Park District
Channahon Community Park District
Chicago Park District
Chicago Ridge Park District
Decatur Park District
Deerfield Park District
Des Plaines Park District
Dolton Park District
Downers Grove Park District
Dundee Township Park District
Elmhurst Park District
Flagg Rochellc Park District
Frankfort Square Park District
Freeport Park District
Galesburg Park and Recreation Department
Glencoe Park and Recreation District
Glen Ellyn Park District
Gurnee Park District
Harrisburg Township Park District
Hickory Hills Park District
Park District of Highland Park Youth Commission
Homewood Flossmoor Park District
Illinois Park and Recreation Association
Itasca Park District
Lemont Township Park District
Lombard Park District
Macon County Conservation District
Maine Niles Association of Special Recreation
District Marengo Park District
Mcdinah Park District
Niles Park District
Normal Park and Recreation Department
District Northbrook Park District
Northern Illinois Special Recreation Association
Northeast DuPage Special Recreation Association
Oak Brook Park District
Parks and Recreation Department of Oak Park
Olympia Fields Park District
Oregon Park District
Orland Park Recreation Department
Palatine Park District
Palos Heights Recreation Department
Park Ridge Park District
Peoria Park District
River Trails Park District
Rockford Park District
Rolling Meadows Park District
Roselle Park District
Round Lake Area Park District
Roxana Community Park District
Salt Creek Rural Park District
Schaumburg Park District
South Holland Park and Recreation Department
South Stickney Park District
South Suburban Special Recreation Association
Sterling Park District
Urbana Park District
Villa Park Recreation Department
Western DuPage Special Recreation Association
Westmont ParkDistrict
West Suburban Special Recreation Association
William W. Fox Development Center
Wheaton Park District
Wheeling Park District
Winnetka Park District
Woodridge Park District
York Center Park District
Zion Park District

Illinois Parks and Recreation 10 January/February 1983

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