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30 cents per word, $10.00 minimum Blind Box Ads Accepted

Village of Libertyville, Director of Parks and Recreation $22,000 — $25.000 starting salary. Completion of core curriculum for Baccalaureate level major in physical education, recreation and park administration or related field with minimum three years experience in directing recreation programs and park development and maintenance operations; or an equivalent combination of training and experience. Send resume to: Allen Schertz, Village Administrator, 200 E. Cook, Libertyville, Ill. 60048.


If you wish to place a classified advertisement in Illinois Parks & Recreation magazine, please confine the contents to employment offered or wanted, office or park equipment offered for sale or wanted, and miscellaneous items or services. 30 cents per word. $10.00 minimum. Box numbers will be assigned to blind ads and responses will be forwarded to advertiser. Commercial firms offering products or services are invited to use display ad space (see contents page for details). Send your classified ad with signed letter to: Editor. Illinois Parks & Recreation. 217 E. Monroe St.. Suite 101, Springfield. 1L 62701.

Illinois Parks and Recreation 10 January/February 1983

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