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In their typical style, Illinois park and recreation agencies are off to an exciting promotion of the "Life. Be In It." program and are receiving well deserved state monies to assist in the effort.

The Illinois Department of Commerce & Community Affairs is supporting the "Life. Be In It." campaign of park and recreation agencies throughout Illinois. The grant application submitted by the IAPD offices and the Joint Public Awareness Committee requested over $29,000 to be split on a 60/40 basis with the sponsoring associations.

The funds will be used to print 50,000 brochures which will describe "Life. Be In It."events held throughout the State over the next six months. These brochures will be distributed to participating agencies, community groups and the media in order to bring attention to and urge participation in the over 200 planned "Life. Be In It." events scheduled for Illinoisans during 1983.

A reception will be held at the Governor's Mansion in Springfield, Illinois on May 24th, 1983 to kick-off the campaign against sedentary life styles and vicarious participation of people in sports and recreation activities. This presents every agency with an opportunity to showcase its programs, facilities, and parks.

Funds will also be used to purchase promotional materials for the program, including "Life. Be In It." posters, bumper stickers, banners, buttons, and T-shirts.

The Joint Public Awareness Committee will be establishing a "Life. Be In It." store to enable local agencies to purchase these items as awards or promotional materials for their events. Only the direct costs of these items will be passed on to local agencies.

The IAPD and IPRA urge you to support the Department of Commerce & Community Affairs grant through the purchase of "Life. Be In It." promotion material. Only in this way can we meet our obligations and guarantee our accessibility to this type of grant program in the future. We have convinced the DCCA that local park systems play a role in tourism and make an economic difference to Illinois. Your 100% participation will once again prove Illinois a leader in the nation in the field of parks and recreation.

"Life. Be In It."

Illinois Parks and Recreation 13 May/June 1983

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