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The late Mr. A. V. Sieglinger is shown with his wife in a 1963 photo.

Coloma Township Park Board Dedicates Sieglinger Memorial Park

Large monetary or land donations are available in most communities whether they have large or small park systems. After first creating a positive image in its community, the Coloma Township Park District was able to tap a relatively unknown memorial fund for a new 17-acre land donation worth in excess of $100,000.

By Michael P. Sterba

The Coloma Township Park District Board of Commissioners and the A.V. Sieglinger Memorial and Endowment Committee recently dedicated the new 17 acre Park Site located just south of the Rock Falls Water Tower as the A.V. Sieglinger Memorial Park in honor of the late Allan V. Sieglinger.

Allan Sieglinger was born on a farm west of Rock Falls on December 12, 1889. He was locally schooled and attended Brown's Business College in Sterling. He served overseas as a sergeant in World War I and upon his return home, married the former Fern Williams of Rock Falls.

Sieglinger began his career as a cashier and later became a stockholder in the old Rock Falls National Bank on West 2nd Street. Later he became manager of Prince Castle Ice and Coal Company of Sterling and he worked there until his retirement in 1951. He was very active in the community where he held membership in several area service clubs and belonged to the congregation of the First Methodist Church of Sterling which also received part of his endowment at his death.

Sieglinger had for years been interested in the youth organization in Rock Falls founded and administrated by Orvel Howard. On December 18, 1972 he created the A.V. Sieglinger Memorial and Endowment Committee made up of Elbert Wheelock, Elmer Leusby, Irene Taylor and Paul Weaver. The original donation of $500 created the trust fund for future endowments.

On May 3, 1973. Allan V. Sieglinger died at age 83, leaving part of his estate to the Sieglinger Trust Fund. The total endowment was almost $105,000, but the stipulation on the money stated that only the interest could be spent and not the principle and that the money should be used for youth and youth related activities.

During the years of 1973 through 1981 the committee under the direction of Elmer Leusby invested the money wisely, building up cash reserves. Several small projects during this time were funded but the bulk of the money was reinvested.

In 1980, informal discussion began with the park district in creating some type of memorial to A.V. Sieglinger. Discussion involved the possibility of the need and purchase of land for a future park site.

Following several meetings over a three year period, the Sieglinger Committee agreed to purchase 17 acres of property and turn it over to the Park District.

The dedication was held November 13, 1982 with representatives of the Allan V. Sieglinger Memorial and Endowment Committee and the Coloma Township Park District board of commissioners in attendance at the new park site. A few

Memorial Park Dedication — Representatives of the Coloma Township Park Board and the A. V. Sieglinger Memorial and Endowment Committee shown, met recently for the dedication of the A. V. Sieglinger Memorial Park at the south edge of Rock Falls. Shown (left to right) in front row are: Mrs. Irene Taylor, Leroy Brown, and Orvel Howard, Sieglinger Committee; Leo Nardini, Coloma Park Board President and Paul Weaver, Sieglinger Committee. In the back row are Park Commissioners Darrel Davis, Gary Hasselbacher and Harold Cantrell.

Illinois Parks and Recreation    24    May/June 1983

words were said in memory of Mr. Sieglinger and Leo J. Nardini, president of the Coloma Township Park District Board of Commissioners, officially dedicated the 17 acres of barren ground as the A.V. Sieglinger Memorial Park. It took almost 10 years of patient waiting, but it was all worth it!

It took almost 10 years of patient waiting, but it was all worth it!"

Future development plans for the Park include the construction of a Tee Baseball Complex equipped with four chainlink fenced ball diamonds, a concession stand and restroom facilities to be constructed in the summer of 1983. Other facilities planned include tennis courts, park shelters, soccer/football field, ice skating area, a creative playground, a park road winding throughout the park, parking lots, practice ball diamonds, tree nursery and flower and rock garden areas.

Michael P. Sterba graduated from Eastern Illinois University in 1974. He has held the position of Director of Parks and Recreation for the Coloma Township Park District in Rock Falls, Illinois for the past eight years.

Illinois Parks and Recreation   26   May/June 1983

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