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In Memoriam
Emil (Dutch) Leonard

Dutch Leonard as a relief pitcher for the Cubs (circa 1950).

Emil (Dutch) Leonard, Auburn, Ill., a former major league baseball pitcher and an avid supporter of park and recreation activities in Illinois, died April 17 at St. John's Hospital in Springfield of congestive heart failure. He was 74.

A 20-year veteran of the big leagues, Leonard broke in with the Brooklyn Dodgers in 1933 and had his best seasons with the Washington Senators between 1938 and 1946, finishing 20-8 in 1939. He also pitched for the Philadelphia Phillies and the Chicago Cubs. Following the cessation of his pitching career, he served as a pitching coach for three years with the Cubs.

Leonard compiled a 191-181 pitching record with a 3.25 earned run average during his big league career.

Following his baseball career, Leonard worked as a representative of the Illinois Youth Commission from 1956 to 1974. He was well known among park and recreation professionals in Illinois. He hosted numerous baseball schools at many park districts throughout the state during the time of his employment by the Youth Commission. He also participated in hosting many of the State Junior Sports Jamboree Meets, and was a popular after-dinner speaker at park district functions.

Leonard is survived by his wife, Rose, and a daughter and two sons.

Letters of condolence may be sent to Mrs. Rose Leonard, Auburn, IL 62615.

Illinois Parks and Recreation    33    May/June 1983

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