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Association News and Announcements


The Joint Public Awareness Committee of IAPD/IPRA will be again publishing the "Life. Be In It." special events calendar in order to promote the activities of park, forest preserve and conservation districts throughout Illinois. It is designed to highlight all special events taking place from May through November. The Department of Commerce and Community Affairs will be providing grant monies to IAPD to partially offset the cost involved to the Association.

We will be printing 50,000 copies of this special calendar which will be distributed to host "Life. Be In It." agencies and tourism offices throughout Illinois in order to highlight and emphasize the very significant roles that park and recreation agencies are playing in Illinois to provide recreational opportunities for all.

Extra copies of the "Life. Be In It." special events calendar are available from the IAPD and IPRA offices.


The IAPD is holding a special full-day seminar on collective bargaining on June 9 at the Hyatt Regency O'Hare.

This seminar will detail the steps that your park district "management team" (board and administration staff) should take in preparing for the July 1 effective date of S.B. 536 which avails all Illinois public employees with the right to bargain collectively for the first time.

Presenters are recognized legal experts in the collective bargaining area.


The golf outing sponsored by the Joint Legislative Committee will be held on August 3 this year and will be hosted by the Northbrook Park District. Participants will find a host of activities and an enjoyable day scheduled.


Jon Ericson, a practicing parliamentarian, is back by popular demand to hold his workshop entitled "We Can't Go On Meeting Like This" on June 23 at the Hyatt Regency O'Hare.

If you have ever faced . . .

• A board meeting that seems to drag on forever

• A group of angry citizens that wants to take over a board meeting

• A complex or controversial agenda item proposed without warning at a board meeting

• A board member who verbally dominates the board meeting

• A board member who tries to manipulate the board meeting

• a member of the audience who continually interrupts the board meeting . . . then this is the workshop for you.

Dr. Jon Ericson's enthusiasm for this potentially dry subject brings the basics of parliamentary procedure to life in an unforgettable way. This workshop is a must for

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Every year the nominating committee is charged with soliciting membership input to develop the slate for election of the IPRA officers and the Board of Directors. This is an enormous task considering that we have over 1650 members, 350 of which are actively involved in association and section activities.

In addition to seeking input from the affiliates for potential candidates, the committee is making available candidate interest forms to any voting member who would like to run for a position. These forms would enable all members to show individual interest in becoming a Board member.

This process will also aid the nominating committee in learning more about potential candidates. The candidate interest forms are available from the IPRA office or from Dave Phillips, Wheeling Park District, Chair of the Nominating Committee. Please don't be shy. An unknown source once said, "I can't read minds, how do I know what you want, unless you tell me."


The IPRA Public Awareness Committee is sponsoring a mini triathlon on Saturday, August 18 in Crystal Lake. The event entitled "try-atholon" is designed for the average athlete and will include a 3/4 mile lake swim, 25 mile bike race and 6.2 mile road run. The activity will cater to both individuals and teams. Agencies will be asked to promote the "try-atholon" within their communities. The committee is also hoping for IPRA membership participation in the team category.

Start checking with your friends now to find the best swimmer, runner and biker. Because the expected number of participants is 500-600, we will need a tremendous volunteer effort. If interested in assisting the committee, please call either Steve Grimes, Westmont Park District (312) 963-5252, Terry Clarke, Crystal Lake Park District (815) 459-0680 or the IPRA office.


Don't forget that JULY is dedicated to promoting ARTS through your existing summer programs and activities. A press packet, clip art and buttons are available for a small fee from the Arts in the Park Month Committee. The philosophy of Arts month is to use existing programs to promote arts in your community at a time when you have the largest audience of the year. Contact the IPRA Office, Patti Johnson, Woodridge Park District (312) 985-0300, or Dee Flood, Palatine Park District (312) 991-0333.


IPRA is planning a summer get away weekend for members and their families this August in Springfield. The dates tentatively are set for August 23-25 and events will include IPRA golf/tennis tournaments, pig roast, pool party, lakeside events, children and spouse tours of historical sites and an IPRA Board meeting. Coordinated by

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Illinois Parks and Recreation 5 May/June 1984

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all commissioners and will be the last one Dr. Ericson holds in Illinois.



This year's legal symposium will be held Wednesday, October 10, in downtown Chicago and will be limited to the first 150 registrants.

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the Springfield Recreation Department, the goal of this activity is to provide members with a little recreation and an opportunity to "practice what they preach."

More details will be sent to all IPRA members. For more information contact the IPRA office.


The IPRA Public Awareness Committee has received a corporate donation from Bud Light to continue its successful "Run to Springfield." Our members will run in relay fashion from Carbondale and Chicago to Springfield to present scissors to Governor James Thompson to cut the ribbon to open the Illinois State Fair. We are looking for runners. Please contact the IPRA office if you are willing to lend your legs for 10 miles.

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