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EDITORS'NOTE: This page is designed so you can share information about your successful programs, activities, services and management techniques with other park and recreation professionals. Space does not permit us to print all of the details about a project. However, an overview will make readers aware of what is working well for other park and recreation districts. Each entry contains the name of a person who can be contacted for additional information.

The Barrington Park District's youth soccer program spurred the creation of a special sports disc. Responding to the need for basic information about the game, a six-inch disc on printed board was developed. It contains a rotating inner disc with an answer slot to refer to categories on the outside of the wheel. These informational references give the user a quick answer guide to all game definitions, rules, fouls and penalties, referee signals, linesmen signals and beginning positions and zones. The disc's outer flap contains empty lines for handwritten notes, coaches' instructions, schedules and important phone numbers.

Plans are under way to design similar discs for other sports including golf, tennis, softball and baseball. Contact Jackie Bell, P.O. Box 1125, Barrington, IL 60010 (312/381-3381) for additional information.

Illinois Parks and Recreation      35       November/December 1984

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