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EDITORS' NOTE: This page is designed so you can share information about your successful programs, activities, services and management techniques with other park and recreation professionals. Space does not permit us to print all of the details about a project. However, an overview will make readers aware of what is working well for other park and recreation districts. Each entry contains the name of a person who can be contacted for additional information.

The Oak Lawn Park District has instituted a community nursery program which brings instant beauty to its parks at substantial savings.

Residents contact the district when they want a tree removed from their property. If appropriate, the district transplants the trees in various parks at no cost to the homeowners. Necessary precautions are taken with utility companies, and the district is protected legally from damage to a homeowner's property during the tree removal process.

Additional information can be obtained from Martin Larson, Jr., director of parks and recreation. Oak Lawn Park District, 4425 Southwest High. way, Oak Lawn, IL 60453 (3121 857-2200).

DOC holds public auction

The State Fish and Wildlife Fund is $7,662 richer following a recent public auction of equipment confiscated over the past three years by police officers with the Illinois Department of Conservation's (DOC) Division of Law Enforcement.

Auctioned items included 500 steel traps, 30 fishing rods and reels, 20 flashlights and searchlights, 164 hoop nets, 60 wooden fish baskets, 58 trammel nets, two tents and a sleeping bag. The highest single bid was $165 for a trammel net, while fishing rods brought an average of $3 each.

Illinois Parks and Recreation 41 January/February 1985

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