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By Ted Flickinger, Managing Editor

Three columns debut in this edition of the IPR.

An editorial page, In Our Opinion, addresses major issues of special interest to the leisure field. This month, IAPD/IPRA support for the Governor's Build Illinois program, attempts to dissolve the new Brownstown Park District and the 1985 IPR Conference are discussed.

A New Products Section is also highlighted to keep readers informed about the latest product technologies. The products appearing in this section are not endorsed by either Association or the magazine. However, if you should be talking with any of the manufacturers appearing in the column, be sure to tell them where you read about their products.

Follow-up is the last of the new sections. In our initial column, we are updating the status of the State mandate requiring daily physical education for students in Illinois public schools.

As always, a wide array of articles written by our colleagues and others concerned about the leisure profession are featured. We hope you find them enjoyable and informative.

See you at the State Conference in November!

On The Cover

Wildlife artist Jan Martin McGuire's Windy Day Mallards are on the cover of this issue. She will be showing her art at the upcoming International Wildlife, Western and Americana Art Show at the Rosemont Exposition Center in Chicago Oct. 11-13. Anyone interested in purchasing her work may contact E.L. Huff, c/o Fox Hollow Studio, 514 S. Cherokee St., Bartlesville, OK 74003.

Illinois Parks and Recreation                                 5                                     September/October 1985

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