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Legislative Conference examines liability insurance crisis

The Illinois Association of Park Districts' (IAPD's) Eighth Annual Legislative Conference, held on June 11 in Springfield, focused on the issues of and the potential resolutions for the liability insurance crisis in Illinois.

Alan Greiman     John O'Connell

James Rupp     Cal Schuneman

Brad Kading, regional manager, Alliance of American Insurers, and David Stahr, research director, Illinois Public Action Council, outlined the views and proposed solutions of the insurance industry and consumers respectively. The General Assembly's actions to resolve the dilemma were debated by State Sens. Calvin Schuneman (R-37) and James Rupp (R-51) and State Reps. Alan Greiman (D-l) and John O'Connell (D-47).

House Speaker Michael Madigan (D-30) discussed his efforts to achieve a compromise solution during the conference luncheon. Madigan also responded to questions ranging from the State's business climate to the feasibility of passing Bottle Bill legislation in Illinois.

Jim Edgar
Political forecasts

Secretary of State Jim Edgar and Madigan both discussed the possible effects that the LaRouche candidates and Adlai Stevenson's third party could have on the outcome of the November elections.

Other issues

William Sullivan, chairman of Cadre Consulting Services, Inc., explained the potential benefits of his firm's investment plan, and hosted a mini-workshop for interested park districts. The conference concluded with an update about the activities of the Joint Legislative Committee presented by committee co-chair Bob Porter, director of the Lemont Township Park District.

The 120 conference participants were encouraged to meet with their legislators to promote passage of insurance reforms. Approximately 40 legislators attended a special reception held that evening in their honor to discuss important park and recreation issues.

House Speaker Michael Madigan (D-30), right, explained some of the issues involved in the liability insurance negotiations to IAPD Pres. Roger Toohey. Madigan addressed conference participants at the luncheon on topics ranging from the insurance crisis to the upcoming elections in November.

Representative Helen Satterthwaite (D-103), center, discussed issues with the staff and board members of the Urbana Park District. From the left are Vice-President Richard Taylor, Parks uperintendent Gene Sanks, Rep. Satterthwaite, Commissioner Betsy Gillies and President Bruce arson.

Illinois Parks and Recreation 6 July/August 1986

Sandra Fernstrom (left) commissioner, Arlington Heights Park District, met with State Sen. Virginia Macdonald (R-27); Arlene Mulder, president, Arlington Heights Park District; State Bep. Bernard Pedersen (R-54), and Bernadine Rechner, vice-president, River Trails Park District.

State Sen. Adeline Geo-Karis (R-31), center, visited with (from the left) Chuck Paxton, director, Zion Park District; Art Gill, superintendent of rangers. Lake County Forest Preserve District; Cynthia Peterson, commissioner, Vermon Hills Park District, and Carl Hartmann, director, Vemon Hills Park District. Representatives of the Winnebago County Forest Preserve District participated in the legislative reception. From the left are Director Mark Q. Keister, Commissioner Michael "Mickey" Goral, Rep. E.J. "Zeke" Giorgi (D-68) and Pres. Robert B. Millard. The district donated trees to help with the restoration of the grounds at the Governor's Mansion.

State Rep. Jane Bames (R-38) chatted with Lemont Township Park District attorney James Bambrick (left) and Director Bob Porter.

A delegation from the Oak Forest Park District also attended the legislative reception. From the left are Commissioner Jim Petkus, Advisory Board member Ray Fitzpatrick, Commissioner Guy Gattone, Vice-President Frank Jackson, Sen. Richard Kelly (D-39) and President Donald Bums.

Illinois Parks and Recreation 22 July/August 1986

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