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MEETING ADMINISTRATION HANDBOOK is a basic reference on the preparation and recording of the council meeting. Published by the International Institute of Municipal Clerks, the 22-page handbook is divided into three sections — Agenda Preparation, Minute Preparation, and Meeting Administration.

Agenda Preparation reviews the objectives of an agenda, the role of the secretary in its preparation, the order of business, and the content of the agenda. It lists a number of useful suggestions for the preparation of the agenda and includes a sample agenda.

The section on Minute Preparation follows the same outline — objectives, role of secretary, and useful suggestions — but also deals with specific points such as Motions, Corrections to the Minutes, Signature on Minutes, Excerpt from Minutes, the Preservation of Minutes. The Exhibits cover Style of Reporting Motions, Wording for Correcting Minutes, and Certification of an Excerpt from the Minutes.

The section on Meeting Administration stresses the importance of advanced preparation in the success of a meeting. It reviews the major factors that assist the council in its deliberations including strategic placement of major items on the agenda, advanced preparation and notification of important meetings, and checklist for setting up the physical facilities in the meeting room.

MEETING ADMINISTRATION HANDBOOK is available from the International Institute of Municipal Clerks, 160 North Altadena Drive, Pasadena, CA 91107, at no charge to IIMC Members; $3.00 prepaid to nonmembers.

Page 26 / Illinois Municipal Review / August 1988

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