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November 1988 Municipal Calendar

This calendar is based upon the most current information,
court decisions and legislation of which the League has knowledge
as of the date of this publication. It supercedes similar information
contained in all other League publications.

All municipalities with 100 or more employees must prepare an equal employment opportunity report (Form EEO-4) documenting sex, race and salary data for all employees including part-time help. The report is to be submitted to the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission by November 30 each year.


(Act of August 12,1970:
Section 3685, Title 39, United States Code)

1. Title of Publication; Illinois Municipal Review.

2. Date of Filing: 14th September 1988.

3. Frequency of Issue: Monthly.

4. Location of Known Office of Publication: 1220 South Seventh Street, Springfield, Illinois 62703. (Sangamon County).

5. Location of the Headquarters or General Business Offices of the Publishers: 1220 South Seventh Street, Springfield, Illinois 62703. (Sangamon County).

6. Publisher: Illinois Municipal League, 1220 South Seventh Street, Springfield, Illinois 62703. (Sangamon County).

Editor: Steven Sargent, 1220 South Seventh Street, Springfield, Illinois 62703. (Sangamon County).

Managing Editor: Thomas G. Fitzsimmons, 1220 South Seventh Street, Springfield, Illinois 62703. (Sangamon County).

7. Owner (if owned by a corporation, its name and address must be stated and also immediately thereunder the names and addresses of stockholders owning or holding 1 percent or more of total amount of stock. If not owned by a corporation, the names and addresses of the individual owners must be given. If owned by a partnership or other unincorporated firm, its name and address, as well as that of each individual, must be given): Illinois Municipal League, 1220 South Seventh Street, Springfield, Illinois 62703. (Sangamon County).

8. Known bondholders, mortgages, and other security holders owning or holding 1 percent or more of total amount of bonds, mortgages or other securities: None.

A. Total number copies printed; (average number copies each issue during preceding 12 months) 12,000; (single issue nearest to filing date) 12,000.

B. Paid Circulation: 1. Sales through dealers and carriers, street vendors and counter sales (average number copies each issue during preceding 12 months) None; (single issue nearest to filing date) None.

2. Mail Subscriptions: (average number copies each issue during preceding 12 months) 11,438; (single issue nearest to filing date) 11,477.

C. Total Paid Circulation: 11,438. Single issue: 11,477.

D. Free distribution (including samples) by mail, carrier delivery, or by other means (average number copies each issue during preceding 12 months) 425; (single issue nearest to filing date) 424.

E. Total number of copies distributed: (average number copies each issue during preceding 12 months) 11,863; (single issue nearest the filing date) 11,901.

F. Office use, left-over, unaccounted, spoiled after printing: (average number copies each issue during preceding 12 months) 137; (single issue nearest to filing date) 99.

G. Total (Sum of E&F—should equal net press run shown in A) (average number copies each issue during preceding 12 months) 12,000; (single issue nearest to filing date) 12,000.

I certify that the statements made by me above are correct and complete.


October 1988 / Illinois Municipal Review / Page 17

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