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Award recipient extends thanks

Dear Editor:
I was so overwhelmed when it was announced at state conference that I was the recipient of the Robert M. Artz Award, that I made some less than coherent statements in accepting the award. Bob Artz was an outstanding park and recreation professional. As the 1987 recipient of that award, I feel I should do a more credible job in acknowledging receipt.

A lot of things go into the Bob Artz Award — hard work, a lot of luck, and especially a supportive board and staff. I would like to thank the boards and staffs of the Arlington Heights Park District, the Winnetka Park District, the Glencoe Park District and the Waukegan Park District for all their help and assistance during my tenure with each agency that made this award possible. It's an honor to be associated with the memory of Bob Artz.

Gerald M. Oakes
Parks and Recreation
Arlington Heights Park District

Illinois Parks and Recreation     4                               January/February 1988

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