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People, Places and Things

Ted Flickinger Selected to Academy

Dr. Ted Flickinger, executive director of the Illinois Association of Park Districts, has recently been chosen to become a member of the American Academy for Park and Recreation Administrators. This exclusive life-time honor is extended to a maximum 100 park and recreation administrators across the nation, of which 20% may be educators.

Dr. Ted Flickinger Member, American Academy for Park and Recreation Administrators

The Academy has been organized to:

• advance knowledge related to the administration of recreation and parks.

• encourage scholarly efforts both by practitioners and educators to enhance the practice of park and recreation administration, and to promote broader public understanding of the importance of parks and recreation to the public good.

• conduct research, publish scholarly papers and/or sponsor seminars related to the advancement of park and recreation administration.

To be recommended for membership as a fellow in the Academy, candidates must have served in a high level of administration in a park and recreation agency for not less than fifteen years -OR-as a recognized educator in the field of parks and recreation administration for a period of not less than fifteen years. Under normal circumstances, this would mean the individual has attained the rank of full Professor. The Academy members must have demonstrated outstanding ability in administration, management or education in the profession of parks and recreation. Furthermore, Academy members must have displayed superb leadership in the profession and a proven desire to contribute to the advancement of parks and recreation.

Nominees who are supported by a two-thirds majority vote from the Academy's Board of Directors become fellow members of the organization.

Award Winners from Illinois at the NRPA Congress

Congratulations to the following IAPD/ IPRA members and agencies for receiving honors and awards of distinction at the National Recreation and Park Association Congress held in October at Indianapolis, IN. These awards are in recognition of outstanding accomplishments and performances in the parks and recreation fields.

American Park and Recreation Society Honors

Ted Flickinger, Executive Director of IAPD — Selected to the Academy for Park and Recreation Administration (see story above). Received a plaque and gavel for serving with distinction as the 1988 APRS President.

Joe Doud, Northbrook District, and Peter M. Murphy, Legal/Legislative Counsel for IAPD - Received the APRS President's Award for outstanding Committee Chairman Services.

Other Award Recipients

Robert Toalson, Champaign Park District — Awarded the Willard W. Patty Distinguished Alumni Award from Indiana University School of Health, Physical Education and Recreation for outstanding personal and professional achievements.

Schaumburg Park District — Received the Gold Medal Award for excellence in the field of Park and Recreation Management for Class III communities of 50,000-100,000. Jerry Handlon, Director.

Lemont Township Park District — Received the Gold Medal Award for excellence in the field of Park and Recreation Management for Class V communities of under 20,000. Bob Porter, Director.

Patricia Norris Joins IAPD Board of Directors

Patricia A. Norris
IAPD Board Member

Patricia A. Norris, an 18-year resident of Champaign County and Board President of the Champaign County Forest Preserve District, has been recently appointed to fill a vacancy on the IAPD Board of Directors.

Norris has served the Champaign County Forest Preserve District as an officer in various capacities since 1985. She was previously Administrative Assistant for several years with Champaign Park District and handled all grant projects. She also stepped in as Acting Director ol Recreation for a time. She has served on

Illinois Parks and Recreation 27 November/December 1988

People, Places and Things (Continued)

IAPD's Coordinating Council and the IAPD/IPRA Joint Legislative Committee in the past, as well as with several IPRA committees.

"After leaving the Park District, I was glad for the opportunity to serve on the Champaign County Forest Preserve District Board. My transformation from professional to policy maker has been interesting, and the challenges offered by the forest preserve work are new but not entirely different. I am enjoying the much stronger emphasis on natural resources."

"I find that the place of forest preserve and conservation districts in the statewide picture is clearly one of a minority. I hope I will be able to represent all of our interests as well as those of park districts in downstate Illinois."

Pat earned her B.S. and M.S. degrees in Parks and Recreation/English from Indiana University. She is currently teaching English at Parkland College as an Affiliate Faculty Member. She and her husband, Richard, who is Director of Student Support Services at Parkland, live on a 4-acre homestead at the edge of Champaign "with a full complement of horses, cats and dogs". Welcome aboard. Pat!

Recreation Program Supervisor — Organize and supervise cultural arts, special interests, pre-school and senior citizens' programs. Also special events and summer concert series. Must have B.S. in Recreation and Park Administration, plus three years experience in the field.

Salary: $16,000-$20,000 plus automobile and attractive benefits package.

Closing date for receiving applications: December 13, 1988.

Send all correspondence in care of: Jerry Tutskey, Director of Recreation, Rock Island Recreation Department, 1320 24th Street, Rock Island, Illinois 61201. Phone: 309/788-9528.

The Village of Lake Zurich, Illinois (population 13,405) is seeking a Director of Parks and Recreation for a department with 20 parks and over 100 yearly recreational programs. Lake Zurich is a fast growing Northern suburb of Chicago; the park and recreation department currently comprises 20 full and part-time employees. Duties will include evaluating and instituting new recreational programs, formulating a yearly budget of one-half million dollars, and creating a master plan. The director works under the supervision of the Village Administrator. Requires 5 years management experience in a park and recreation capacity and bachelor's degree in recreation, public administration or related fields. Master's degree preferred. Salary DOQ. Send resume by November 25, to Edward A. Geick, Village Administrator, 70 E. Main St., Lake Zurich, IL 60047. Telephone 312-438-5141. EOE.

Illinois Parks and Recreation 28 November/December 1988

Bonnie Noble Receives Honors From NRPA

Bonnie W. Noble, President of the Peoria Park District Board of Trustees, recently received the State Citizen-Board Member Service Award from the National Recreation and Park Association's Citizen-Board Member Branch. The award was presented at the National Congress for Recreation and Parks held in Indianapolis on October 8.

Bonnie W. Noble, President Peoria Park District Board of Trustees NRPA Service Award Winner

Noble has served on the Board of Directors of the Citizen-Board Member Branch of the NRPA since 1987. The award was presented in recognition of her contributions to the development and expansion of park and recreation services at the state level.

As President of the Illinois Association of Park Districts, Noble was active in legislative activities concentrating on the provision of land acquisition and development funding through the Land and Water Conservation Fund. She also served on a joint legislative committee with the IPRA and chaired a special task force to study the Economic Significance of Recreation in Illinois.

Noble was appointed in 1984 by Illinois Governor Jim Thompson to the "Build Illinois" Commission. She was also appointed to serve on the Governor's Illinois Advisory Committee on Americans Outdoors which advised President Reagan's National Outdoor Resource Review Commission. Governor Thompson also appointed Noble to serve on Illinois' Department of Conservation Advisory Board. As a state leader, Noble was honored by the Illinois Association of Park Districts with its highest award, "Commissioner of the Year". Noble served as President of the IAPD in 1984-85, having been Vice President of that organization from 1982-83.

Illinois Parks and Recreation 29 November/December 1988

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