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City And Village Clerks To Observe
Municipal Clerk's Week Internationally

During the week of May 7-13, 1989, municipal clerks around the world will observe MUNICIPAL CLERK'S WEEK to call attention to the important services available from their office.

During this observance, Governors, Mayors, State Legislatures, and Local Councils will issue proclamations. Newspapers and radios will carry articles and stories on clerks' operations in their areas. Television stations will broadcast a special video on the history and development of the municipal clerk's profession. State and provincial clerks associations will hold special events honoring outstanding public officials for their contribution to the clerk's profession and to local government. And individual municipal clerks will hold open houses inviting the public to view their operations at first hand.

The International Institute of Municipal Clerks (IIMC) has been sponsoring the observance of this special week for 19 years. The IIMC is the professional association of over 9,200 county, city, village and town clerks located throughout the United States and Canada, and in 15 other countries (including England, Australia, New Zealand, The Netherlands and Israel).

IIMC President Margaret Griffith, CMC/AAE, noted that over the years there has been much change in the office. "The municipal clerk is an historical position in local government—existing in biblical times, common in medieval England, and responsible for many of the town meetings in Colonial New England. Yet recently the office has become more complex and technical."

"The public demands and the federal and state law requires that public meetings and public records be open and accessible," stated Griffith. "This has required municipal clerks to become knowledgeable in the application of new technology, management systems, administrative law, judicial decisions, mass communications, and financial accountability in order to properly record, store, locate and report on actions that their government has done," said Griffith.

Every year over half of the IIMC members return to the classroom to update and expand their knowledge on what is happening in local government. Griffith reports that 39 colleges and universities in the United States (and in Canada and other countries, as well) hold special seminars. •

April 1989 / Illinois Municipal Review / Page 21

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