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(Act of August 12, 1970:
Section 3685, Title 39, United Slates Code)

1. Title of Publication: Illinois Municipal Review.

2. Date of Filing: 26th September 1989.

3. Frequency of Issue: Monthly.

4. Location of Known Office of Publication: 500 E. Capitol Ave., Springfield, Illinois 62701. (Sangamon County).

5. Location of the Headquarters or General Business Offices of the Publishers: 500 E. Capitol Ave., Springfield, Illinois 62701. (Sangamon County).

6. Publisher: Illinois Municipal League, 500 E. Capitol Ave., Springfield, Illinois 62701. (Sangamon County).

Editor: Steven Sargent, 500 E. Capitol Ave., Springfield, Illinois 62701. (Sangamon County).

Managing Editor: Thomas G. Fitzsimmons, 500 E. Capitol Ave., Springfield, Illinois 62701. (Sangamon County).

7. Owner (if owned by a corporation, its name and address must be stated and also immediately thereunder the names and addresses of stockholders owning or holding 1 percent or more of total amount of stock. If not owned by a corporation, the names and addresses of the individual owners must be given. If owned by a partnership or other unincorporated firm, its name and address, as well as that of each individual, must be given): Illinois Municipal League, 500 E. Capitol Ave., Springfield, Illinois 62701. (Sangamon County).

8. Known bondholders, mortgages, and other security holders owning or holding 1 percent or more of total amount of bonds, mortgages or other securities: None.

A. Total number copies printed: (average number copies each issue during preceding 12 months) 12,041; (single issue nearest to filing date) 12,100.

B. Paid Circulation: 1. Sales through dealers and carriers, street vendors and counter sales (average number copies each issue during preceding 12 months) None; (single issue nearest to filing date) None.

2. Mail Subscriptions: (average number copies each issue during preceding 12 months) 11,519; (single issue nearest to filing date) 11,610.

C. Total Paid Circulation: 11,519. Single issue: 11,610.

D. Free distribution (including samples) by mail, carrier delivery, or by other means (average number copies each issue during preceding 12 months) 427; (single issue nearest to filing date) 429.

E. Total number of copies distributed: (average number copies each issue during preceding 12 months) 11,946; (single issue nearest the filing date) 12,039.

F. Office use, left-over, unaccounted, spoiled after printing: (average number copies each issue during preceding 12 months) 95; (single issue nearest to filing date) 61.

G. Total (Sum of E & F—should equal net press run shown in A) (average number copies each issue during preceding 12 months) 12,041; (single issue nearest to filing date) 12,100.

I certify that the statements made by me above are correct and complete.


October 1989 / Illinois Municipal Review / Page 23

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