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—————— CERTIFICATION: ——————
The Investment That Pays!
By John Beaman

All of us are looking for a good investment. The high stakes corporate acquisitions player, the stock market investor and the housewife searching for food, clothing or appliances all have one thing in common — they want the highest return possible on their investment. Their investment may involve expenditures of money, time or anxiety but it is ultimately judged by the payoff or return on investment (ROI). The return on investment is often directly related to the level of risk. Generally the higher the level of risk, the greater the payback. However, high levels of risk carry a correspondingly greater risk of failure. The optimum investment would have a high payback accompanied by a low level of risk. PROFESSIONAL CERTIFICATION is just such an investment to the leisure services practitioner.

The National Certification Plan for leisure service professionals contains two main components: 1. education and work experience qualifications that must be met to initially become certified and 2. continuing education requirements that must be satisfied to maintain certification.

Another important factor is that participation in the National Certification Plan is totally voluntary. As a result, some qualified practitioners have said "no" to certification. Reasons such as costs, lack of time or limited value have been given for this non-participation. Perhaps those practitioners omitted some of the information when weighing this investment called certification. These non-participants may be missing an excellent investment with low time, money and anxiety costs plus low risk, yet one which produces a good ROI.

The Investment Costs
The costs of investment are two fold: first, the cost of initial certification followed by the cost of maintaining certification. The initial certification costs are typical of most professions — the price paid to attain a prescribed level of education and work experience. Although the acquisition of this education and experience takes time, the education and work experience required for the National Certification Plan is actually less stringent than many professions. The initial certification also requires a minimal investment of time in filling out the required forms and submitting the necessary documentation. A processing fee of $40.00 is required and although some may feel the fee is high, examination of other professional organizations shows the fee is a bargain price for having a national body certify you as a professional!

A certified leisure professional must show evidence of acquiring 2 CEU's (20 hours) or more of quality continuing education during each two year period in order to maintain certification.

The major cost of the investment for most is related to the cost of maintaining certification. The initial certification is valid for a two year period. A certified leisure professional must show evidence of acquiring 2 CEU's (20 hours) or more of quality continuing education during each two year period in order to maintain certification. A $35.00 processing fee is also required.

The costs involved in maintaining certification have resulted in some practitioners failing to attain the necessary continuing education to maintain their certification. Some of the reasons given for their failure include "The fees are too high", "No money available for continuing education", "Not enough qualifying continuing education opportunities available", "I am a professional with or without certification and do not need certification to force me to pursue continuing education".

Are the costs involved in the pursuit of quality continuing education mandated by the Certification Plan really too onerous? Let's check out the costs.

1. Money: $35.00 processing fee — (only $17.50 per year).

2. Money: Continuing Education program participant fees — a variable cost dependant on the educational session. An average may be $200.00-$300.00 per year.

3. Time: 2 CEU's of continuing education — 10 hours per year plus travel time (1/2 of 1% of the total work time in a year based on a 40 hour per week work year).

Examination of the costs suggests that the cost of Certification mandated continuing education is minimal to the professional and/or the employer.

The Return on Your Investment
Your investment in time, money and anxiety is minimal but what is the payback? First and foremost is the national stamp of approval recognizing you as a qualified leisure professional. Certification is a label often used in our society to signal quality. We can tell our family, employers and clientele that we are professionals but the National Certification Plan is the only vehicle that exists whereby a leisure practitioner's professionalism can be certified by an impartial national third party.

Some tangible benefits may include the fact that in a tight job market, certification may help you obtain a job. In litigation, certification may be one way of establishing your qualifications. Certification may also be an excellent marketing tool to help establish the concept of quality for your agency. Auto mechanics, accountants and exercise instructors are examples of disciplines which use certification as a marketing tool. Why are leisure service agencies not using cer-

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tification in their marketing?

The second major payback of the Certification Plan results from the continuing education requirement. Professionals can become stagnant if they don't seek to continually pursue continuing education. Continuing education gives you the chance to modernize your skills, expand your skills or learn totally new skills. This improvement in skills could lead to further responsibilities and possible promotion. The practitioner benefits but most importantly, the agency and clientele benefit from having employees with improved or expanded knowledge and skills. Continuing education is an investment in the future of both the professional and the agency.

Some argue that they will pursue their continuing education with or without the Certification Plan. This is somewhat true but reality has shown that when our work schedules are hectic, continuing education is one of those things that slips to the back burner. Is this fair to our clientele or to ourselves? The Certification Program helps keep the leisure services practitioner focused on their continued growth as a professional.
Certification is a label often used in our society to signal quality. Why are leisure service agencies not using certification in their marketing?

Take the challenge of professionalism! Make an investment requiring minimal blood, sweat and tears. Make an investment that helps establish your professionalism and guides your continued growth. Join the leaders in the leisure services field.

The following is a list of the professionals currently certified through the Illinois Park and Recreation Certification Board and included on the national roster of certified professionals. We congratulate all those on the list.

Information about the Illinois Park and Recreation Certification Plan can be obtained by calling the IPRA office at (312) 991-2820.

ABOUT THE AUTHOR: John Beaman is Director of Parks and Recreation at Schiller Park and Recreation Department in Schiller Park and served as chairman of the IPR Certification Board for two consecutive years, 1987-1988.

Certified Professionals

Rod Aiken

Daniel D. Brown

Cheryl Loudon Deom

Daniel C. Gibble

Sarah P. Holcombe

James C. Albritton

George H. Bryant, Jr.

Dorothea DiGuido

Arthur A. Gill

Mary Jayne Holley

William T. Alden

Ewen Bryden

Ronald E. Diehl

Wendy L. Gismondi

Gary Hopfinger

Roger W. Allen

Mary E. Burkee

Gayle Dixon

Michael J. Glabinski

Heather J. Hoppe-Theiszmann

Barbara Altwies

Eric E. Burns

Janet M. Dolan

Laura Lynn Glazier

Cheryl N. Horvath

Sharon P. Anderson

Cynthia N. Capek

Judith Dolan Mendelson

Cheryl Ann Gordon

Joan S. Horvath-Kruger

Gerard I. Armstrong

Julie R. Caporusso

Dick Dooley

Darlan Gordon

Suzette L. Horyza

Phyllis Arntzen

Angelo J. Capulli

Joe H. Doud

William M. Grady

Charles Hoscheit

Cory Atwell

Debbie Carlson

John W. Downs

Michael Grandy

Duane S. Hosimer

Dawn Marie Bacino

Jan Carlson

Peter C. Drogos

Robert K. Gray

Jeanne Hosier

Mark E. Badasch

Anne Elizabeth Carroll

Robert Dunsmuir

Ronald Greenberg

Daniel J. Hotchkin

Jerome Baer

Jayne K. Carstens

Patricia F. Eagleton

Bob Greene

John Hovde

Gary Baker

Kim Cashmore

Barbara L. Eaton

Daniel J. Griffin

Craig D. Hubert

Chuck Balling

Allen Cassady

James C. Eby

Steve Grimes

Suzette Huckstadt

Gary Balling

Kathleen Cassens

Glen A. Ekey

Richard Grodsky

Nancy Hudson

Joseph J. Bannon

Vincent Castellanoz

Matthew L. Ellmann

James R. Grove

William E. Hughes

Jill Bartholomew

Cheryl Ann Cater

Evonne Marie Elsenbroek

James H. Gruenwald

Daniel L. Hypke

Ginny Bateman

Amy L. Charlesworth

Robert Ems

Linda L. Gryziecki

Frederick E. Jackson

Reid Bateman

Eric Lee Christensen

James B. Ensign

Ronald J. Gunter

Caroline Margaret Jacobsen

Bruce E. Baum

Andy Clark

Robert D. Espeseth

Fred P. Hall

R. Jarecki

John H. Beaman

Virginia M. Clark

Michael P. Evans

R. C. Hallberg

Richard E. Johns

Larry Belknap

Edward C. Clift

George C. Fink

Jerry Handlon

Mary Ann Johnson

Ned F. Bell

Penny Sue Collins

Karen Finnerty

Rita M. Hardy

Sandra Lynne Johnson

Debra Lynn Belleville

J. Christopher Comstock

Elsa Marie Fischer

David W. Haring

Annie Lee Jones

Rick Bemm

Douglas G. Congdon

Kenneth Fiscke

Steve Hartman

Judy A. Julison

Tom Benefiel

Thomas E. Connolly

Rita Kay Fletcher

Carl P. Hartmann

Peg Kallio

James L. Berousek

Karen Correll

Gary T. Foiles

Edward Harvey

Thomas M. Kalousek

Thomas Joseph Blackburn

Brenda Sue Cresap

Thomas F. Foley

Patricia Hayes

Karen D. Kamradi

Ronald W. Blemler

Kathleen Cunningham

Keith Frankland

Jerry Hayner

Donald W. Kappel

Richard M. Blust

John Curran

Dan W. Frase

Kerry Patrick Hays

Steven Karoliussen

Dennis Bokemeier

Betty L. Currie

Laurie L. Freeman

John L. Hedges

Kathleen E. Kelley

Nancie J. Boland

Peggy Ann Curtis

Susan Friend

David M. Heffernan

Caroline E. Kelling

Rick Bold

Sue Curtis

Therese M. Fritzmann

Paul E. Heinkel

Kevin T. Kendrigan

Gregory B. Bott

James T. DaRosa

Michael A. Fugiel

Michael E. Henderson

Roger Key

Jeff Boubelik

Kathy Sue Daichendt

Carolyn S. Garofalo

Cheryl Ann Henerson

Karen A. Kiester

Cheri A. Bourbon

Kathryn P. Danielson

Deborah A. Garrett

Patricia W. Hensley

Gary Koren

William A. Brauer

Frank DeAtley

Ronald N. Gbur

Ann C. Hildreth

Robert Kotula

James O. Breen

Dennis J. DeLance

William C. Geihsler

Jane Hodgkinson

Kimberly A. Kovac

Mary Brosius

Scott R. Dell

Jack M. Giambrone

Nancy Hohs

Jerry Krewer

Illinois Parks and Recreation 10 March/April 1989

Thomas Kruse

William C. Neumann

Michael S. G. Schiller

John M. Waytula

Denise R. Riederer

Ronald Kubicki

Dan Newport

Dan Schimmel

Larry R. Wheeler

Bradley K. Salman

Michael Kudia

Dave Novak

Tim Schmidt

Thomas C. White

Donald H. Scheltens

Greg Kuhs

Don Nuenthel

James R. Schneckenburger

George Whitehead

Laura Seri

Robert Kunkel

Carol O'Brien

Kay J. Schneegas

Sandra Whitmore

Vickey C. Weber

Betsy Kutska

Cynthia O'Connor

Mark Schneiderman

Ann Wilkins


Ken Kutska

Gerald M. Oakes

Stephen C. Scholten

Kerry Willey


Sharon T. Labak

Ray Ochromowicz

David Schroeder

Keith D. Williams

Certified Technicians

Joel S. Lammers

Denise Olsen

Susan L. Schroeder

Chris A. Wilsman

Mary E. Beaver

Robert Lashbrook

Robert Orsi

Joe Schultz

John W. Wilson

Beverly Jean Carlson

Dawn E. Lemme

Daniel Otto

Terry G. Schwartz

Linda Wiltberger

Denis Craig Chapan

Jack Lepper

James A. Pacanowski

Patricia M. Sergeant

Donald J. Winh

Tracy Dalton

Jeff Levy

Thomas E. Palmer

Tim Sexton

Jim Wiseman

Mary Beth Flagg

Janice M. Linduska

Margaret Partak

Karen Shannon

Marvin Wolf

Barbara Gardner

Thomas J. Lippert

Rich Partak

James R. Sharp

Brent J. Wolff

Diane D. Grais

Joann Lodine

Jerry E. Pask

Jennifer B. Schoellhorn

Max L. Woods

Alien G. Helms

Mary J. Loos

Steve Patterson

Jeannine Shotas

Jay D. Young

Marie H. Inzcauskis

Ronald Lorenzo

Arlene G. Perry

Mitchell Shulich

Raul Zaidivar

Pat Jacobs

Thomas G. Lovern

Stephen D. Persinger

Thomas J. Shuster

Richard J. Zarr

Ronald Jenkins

Michael S. Lucchesi

Janice P. Peterson

Charles J. Siegler

James M. Zawlocki

Margaret O. Kinkade

Teena Mackey

Greg Petfy

Gary Silkaitis

Edward A. Zeienka

Virginia M. Pizzotti

Joyce Magsamen

Jack F. Philbrick

Mary A. Simonis

Roger L. Zimmerman

Steve D. Reggi

Tony Malcak

Randall Phillips

Billy Sim Sisler

JoAn M. Zimmermann

Kirk Reimer

Thomas A. Mammoser

Fred Ploegman, jr.

Connie Skibbe

Ann S. Zito

Mark D. Runyon

Janet Manson

Steven S. Plumb

Carole A. Sluis

Anthony J. Zito

Debra J. Scinto

David Markworth

Steve Pohlman

Pam Smalarz

Judith Zopp

Donna Jean Strum

Mike Martino

Theresa Tolle Pohlman

Brian T, Smith


John Henry Thiele, Jr.

Alex J. Marx

Mick Pope

Kennit J. Smith


James R. Walker

Gerard P. McCord

Peter T. Pope

Cindy A. Snyder


Nancy H. Waters

Diane McCray

Freddy A. Porps

Donna Soltanek


Philip Jay Wieczorek

Carol A. McCreary

Robert A. Porter

Sue Spangler


Vivienne C. Williams

Liza McElroy

Terrence Porter

Michael S. Spencer


Danelle Wonderlick

Mark M. McKinnon

Joyce L. Pottinger

Robert Spencer

Certified Provisional Professionals


Mary Pat McNicholas

Todd D. Pratt

Thomas R. Spika

Jani Lynn Arlington


Jeffrey D. McClard

Susan Price

Diane Stanke

Patti Jo Boehm


Leslie S. Merema

Cathy Puchalski

Dennis R. Stein

David C. Brown


Pete Merkel

Bob Pushee

Theodore R. Steiskal, Jr.

Laura J. Brown


Jan D. Mersmann

Richard Pyle

Michael P. Slerba

Thomas G. Buban


Greg Meyer

Robert D. Quill

William H. Sturgis

Stephen L. Cherveny

Certified Professionals With Therapeutic Specialty

Steven Meyer

Randy Ralston

Paul V. Swanson

Michael G. Clark

Barbara Alldridge

Sue A. Micklevitz

Eugene A. Rathje

Charles J. Szoke

David E. Cooley

Charlene Kay Basham

James W. Miller

Linda Reesor

Tracy Ann Taylor

William M. Donnell

Mary Berman

Jennifer Miller

Randy Reopelle

Frederick C. Thompson

Geri L. Estvanik

Myrna Haimowitz Besley

Lois E. Miller

Greg Repede

Robert F. Toalson

Diane E. Eustis

Marianne Birko

Lori Jean Mills

Keith Rich

William S. Tookey

Jayne R. Glade

Fred Boch

Nancy J. Miner

Thomas J. Richardson

Terry Turnquist

Nancy Lee Harris

Vera Hesse

David W. Mogle

Walter C. Righton

Lois B. Tyznik

Robert T. Holcombe

Ruth Ann Iwanski

Catherine Ann Morava

Alexander L. Roberts

Donald P. VanArsdale

Joni A. Jordt

Shelley A. Johnson

Patrick B. Morley

James Rock

Mary E. VanArsdale

Elizabeth S. Kessler

Martha T. Judge

Ray Morrill

Robert W. Roiek

John M. Vann

Heather Ann Krupke

Donna McCauley

Patrick L. Moser

Thomas E. Rowe

Robert Vaughan

Judy Annette Lees

Kathy Mulligan

Gayle L. Mountcastle

Betty Russell

Marilee Verdo

Robert M. O'Shaughnessy

Carolyn Mallaney Nagle

John C. Muno

Michael Ryiko

Ralph J. Voipe

Cheryl Mae Olson

Robert B. Pindar

Linda Brougham Naatz

Gregory G. Sagen

Ralph D. Voris

Randwick L. Osborn

William J. Popelar

Tom Naatz

Mary E. Sagen

Trudy Lynn Wakeman

Karen Ann Parsetich

Mari Patricia Schager

Deborah D. Nelson

Sevan Sarkisian

Michael Scott Walaszek

Brian Alien Penticoff

Shelley S. Schultz

Rudy Nelson

Walter Schamber

Richard Walker

Joan M. Prazuch

Shelley Thurston

Suzanne P. Nelson

Kathleen C. Scheltens

Gary M. Watson

Christine M. Purpura

Marilyn F. Vogus

John Nemerovski

Gary Schiefer

Linda Watts

Nancy Jo Radtke


Illinois Parks and Recreation 11 March/April 1989

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