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IAPD/IPRA Leadership Meets
With Secretary Edgar

In September, the Illinois Association of Park Districts received an invitation from Secretary of State and gubernatorial candidate James Edgar, requesting to meet and discuss park and recreation issues of the 1990's. A meeting was established for representatives of the IAPD and the Illinois Park and Recreation Association (IPRA) for lunch in Secretary Edgar's Springfield offices, September 19, 1989.

IAPD representatives were Executive Director Ted Flickinger, President Ken VanNattan, President-Elect Bernadine Rechner, General Counsel Peter M. Murphy and Immediate Past President Sandra Fernstrom. IPRA representatives were Executive Director Kay Forest, Joint Legislative Committee Co-Chairman Dan Newport and President-Elect Jerry Handlon.

During the course of the meeting the IAPD/IPRA leadership emphasized park districts are no longer totally subsidized by taxpayers. Instead, park districts have had to resort to increased fees and charges for many of their services. Tax limitation measures would dramatically affect park districts. Park districts are not recipients of the Local Government Distributive Fund that was recently passed to help municipalities and counties. Park districts receive NO direct state funding; that's why the matching grants program is so extremely important to parks and recreation in Illinois.

IAPD representatives expressed their wish to conduct another "Governor's Conference on the Economic Significance of Parks and Recreation in Illinois". The group discussed at length the impact of parks and recreation on Illinois' overall quality of life, tourism, as well as on local and state economies. IAPD/IPRA leaders also emphasized that our own studies indicate park and recreation expenditures are an investment in the future and that natural resources are indeed priceless. Secretary Edgar shared our concerns and recognized that corporate and industry leaders have indicated they know how important an amenity good parks and diverse recreational services are to businesses considering moving their operations to particular locations.

Together, the IAPD/IPRA leadership expressed their thanks to Secretary Edgar because he was the KEY person for the passage of S.B. 787, the bikepath development program. He also encouraged Governor Thompson to sign legislation establishing dedicated funding for the Open Space Land Acquisition and Development Program.

IAPD/IPRA leaders have invited Democratic gubernatorial candidate, Attorney General Neil Hartigan to discuss the issues facing the parks and recreation field.

Group photo with Secretary Jim Edgar

IAPD/IPRA representatives meeting with Secretary Edgar were: (left to right) IAPD General Counsel Peter M. Murphy, IAPD Immediate Past President Sandra Fernstrom, IPRA Joint Legislative Committee Co-Chairman Dan Newport, IPRA Executive Director Kay Forest, Secretary of State Jim Edgar, IAPD President-Elect Bernadine Rechner, IAPD President Kenneth VanNattan and IAPD Executive Director Ted Flickinger. Not shown, but also attending, was IPRA President-Elect Jerry Handlon.
(Photo courtesy of Brent Hanson, Secretary of State's Office.)

Discussion luncheon

Joining IAPD/IPRA representatives and Secretary Edgar for lunch to discuss park and recreation issues of the 90's were (at the far end of the table) Mike Belletire, "Citizens for Edgar" Issues Director and (clockwise) Mike Lawrence, Secretary Edgar's Press Secretary.
(Photo courtesy of Brent Hanson, Secretary of State's Office.)

Illinois Parks and Recreation 32 November/December 1989

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