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Small communities and counties in western and central Illinois will receive University technical assistance in economic development matters from a newly-created Economic Development Administration Rural Technical Assistance Center coordinated by the Illinois Institute for Rural Affairs at Western Illinois University.

"This project is a cooperative effort by WIU, Bradley University, Illinois Central College and Illinois State University," according to Dr. Norman Walzer, director of the Illinois Institute for Rural Affairs.

According to Walzer, the purpose of the center is to bring university expertise on economic development issues to rural counties and small communities. The program works through existing public bodies such as regional planning commissions, economic development agencies, county boards and the Corridors of Opportunity program.

"Many rural economic development groups rely on part-time or volunteer help with only so many man-hours they can provide," said Walzer. "Often they lack experience with development issues and need short-term technical support. The university centers provide that assistance."

Most technical assistance centers are in urban areas and are located at a single university. The newly-created center is unique because it is a joint effort by four educational institutions within the target region.

"We are using the strengths of each institution to bring a broad variety of technical expertise to the area," Walzer said. "This approach especially makes sense in a rural area because of the distances in a 24-county target region."

The EDA Technical Assistance project will generate a data retrieval system for use by local planners and economic development officials, will research export opportunities for rural businesses in western and central Illinois and will provide economic development training for local policymakers. The center staff will meet with local officials to identify projects on which assistance is needed and formulate a work plan.

"The intent of the center is to support existing development groups, such as regional development agencies, who in turn work with counties and communities in their regions. The assistance provided is short-term and relatively specialized," according to Dan Walker, who will direct the center's operations.

"The Rural Technical Assistance Project represents additional services provided by the Institute for Rural Affairs. Our mission is to help improve rural conditions and to assist in finding solutions to rural problems," said Walzer. "Working with planning groups and economic development agencies to provide technical assistance should be of help to small rural communities struggling to retain or expand their tax base." •

Page 16 / Illinois Municipal Review / January 1990

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